Friday, November 6, 2009

Unemployment Jumps To 10.2%

The nation’s unemployment jumped to its highest levels since 1983. This should come as no surprise to anyone, as Washington continues to peruse failed economic policies that only exacerbate the economic climate in this country.

Washington should realize that you can’t spend your way out of this calamity and that government intervention into the market place will ultimately lead to further economic decline.

This administration is misguided if it thinks that the stimulus package is working, all it did was save government jobs or create more government employment, as it only added to the massive government debt. The nation doesn’t need more government involvement in the market place, but needs the government to foster policies that will allow small businesses and business startups to be established.

The real problem with the Obama administration is his lack of business experience, with few if any members of his administration with business experience. To many Washington officials have spent most of their lives in academia or government service with little experience in the business world. This lack of experience is hampering his efforts for solving America’s economic crisis as they believe that government is the answer.

The solution to America’s economic stagnation emanates not out of Washington, but from the creative spirit of the American entrepreneur. Too often legislation that passes Congress hampers business growth. Recently we have seen Congress push Cap & Trade legislation, and the current health care bills being debated continue to cause more economic instability that will hamper small businesses from beginning to hire more employee’s and expand their operation.

Washington needs to foster the competitive spirit of entrepreneurship that encourages individuals to start a business. Too often Washington produces policies that have an alternate effect on the market place.

Washington needs to encourage small businesses, help individuals open a business, let the market place be the true engine of economic growth and the American economy will rebound to a level that will make America the envy of the world.

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