Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembering Those Who Serve

Today, the nation takes time to remember the sacrifices of all veterans who have served this nation whether in peace or in war. Right now thousands of brave men and women are serving in harms’ way in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas of the globe to preserve the liberty we enjoy.

Often many of those in uniform sacrifice every being of their body so that this nation can enjoy the fruits of liberty. Americans should pause and reflect on those who sacrifice everything that enable us to spend time with our families.

We begin this month by remembering all those men & women who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of liberty and then end the month celebrating Thanksgiving as a time to reflect all we are thank full for. I am always thankful for what this country offers and what this nation offers the world!

Whenever trouble stirs or a crisis erupts the world looks to America and often it’s the armed forces who answer that call that brings peace to a trouble land or rescues a nation in despair.

Too often individuals speak of contempt for this nation, but one only needs to remember what this nation brought to the world. At no time has America had any design on any area of the world except the piece of land that holds the final resting place of service personnel who lost their lives.

This Veterans Day, let’s take the time and remember all those who serve in the armed forces of this great nation, but also those who have served the cause of freedom, but have never come home that lay in the battlefields across the globe. In the last century their lives have ended in places called Belleau Wood, the Argonne, Omaha Beach, Salerno, and half way around the world on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Iwo Jima, Pork Chop Hill, The Chosin Reservoir, and hundreds of rice paddies and jungles in Vietnam.

In our lifetime they fell in the Persian Gulf, Somalia, the mountains of Afghanistan, Fallujah, Nasiriyah, Ramadi, and on the streets of Baghdad.

This Veterans Day, let us remember those who are serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the globe preserving the freedoms that we enjoy.

Freedom is too precious a gift not to remember the gallant warriors serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. Lets honor all who serve, it’s the least we can do!

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