Friday, November 27, 2009

President to Convene Job Summit Next Week

Washington is in panic mode right now with unemployment rising to the highest level in a generation and with the mid-term elections looming over the horizon, Democrats want to see this reversed before Americans head to the polls next November.

Currently Congressional Democrats are crafting a multi-billion dollar job bill and hope to be able to have before the president sometime in January. The question that I would pose to Congressional Democrats, since January you have been touting how the stimulus package saved us from the brink and even Vice President Joseph Biden spoke how the stimulus package created economic growth in the third quarter this year. Now you want to spend billions more, wasn’t the stimulus package supposed to keep unemployment from going higher than 8% as stated by the president?

The problem is both political parties are more concerned with helping their benefactors then helping small businesses grow. Democrats are anchored at the hip to labor and environmental groups and place their interests above sound business practices.

Republicans look to corporate America for support and small businesses get the shoved to the curb. Both parties need to look to small business as the link to economic security. Small Businesses account for close to 80% of all economic activity in this country. President Obama’s much touted economic stimulus bill went mainly to corporations, financial institutions, state governments, and auto companies everyone that created the financial mess in the first place.

You want to create economic growth then help small businesses succeed. The job summit that President Obama will convene next week will be have plenty of representatives from Corporate America, labor and other groups but I bet minimal participation will come from small businesses across America.

Right now there should be a freeze on all legislation out of Washington until it assesses how it impacts small businesses. One only has to look at California and how short sited government intervention created the financial mess California finds itself in.

Washington is heading in the same direction, it can be reversed but government intervention into the market place will have dire consequences for the nation. This President has spent more money in one year than any president in the history of the nation, yet unemployment continues to rise.

Help small business and you help America.

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