Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Republicans win Big in NJ & Virginia

Last night Republicans won big in New Jersey and Virginia, but came up short in New York’s 23rd Congressional District. The Republicans can at least savor the moment for now as they have been pounded at the polls in both 2006 & 2008 elections. These wins give them a glimmer of hope for making resurgence as they head into the 2010 mid-term election.

The Republicans have to be careful that they do not read too much into this election as a repudiation of President Obama’s performance in office. The citizens of these states are more concerned with local issues than any national electoral significance.

The economy was the top concern for voters and in New Jersey as voters voted for Chris Christie and sent Governor Jon Corzine packing. This election had more to do with corruption and economic issues or lack of economic growth voters see in New Jersey.

In Virginia, Bob McDonnell defeated R. Creigh Deeds in a landslide victory with McDonnell focusing on bread and butter issues then social issues advocated by Deeds. The citizens of both states want answers to the more pressing issues of getting the economy back on track.

As the Republican move forward they should look how McDonnell ran his campaign by focusing on economic, education and other quality of life issues that voters are concerned with then social issues.

The Republican Party has to give voters a reason to vote for them, they cannot be the party of “No” they have to stand for something. The Republican Party has to be less the party of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck and more the party that propelled Ronald Reagan into the White House a generation ago.

Americans are more concerned with will they have a job tomorrow, quality education for their children, or will they lose health care coverage if they get sick. What about the future, as they see the rising debt being accumulated by Washington.

The voters are telling Washington loud and clear start focusing on the needs of the nation and leave the petty partisan politics behind. If the Republican Party continues to engage in the politics of the past they will be consigned to languish in the political wilderness for the foreseeable future.

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