Thursday, December 31, 2009

America Needs to Vote

With 2009 drawing to a close, that witnessed the beginning of a new president, but more important a presidency that was supposed to transcend politics. Instead of ending the partisan battles of the past eight years we have seen the partisanship reach epic proportions.

Both sides are equally at fault for the partisan divide with Democrats and Republicans unwilling to compromise and would rather see legislation only benefit their particular political allies. What is lost in the debate is who is looking after the interests of the American people?

The past year massive bailouts have been given to corporate and business groups and the bailouts will continue into the New Year. Lost in all this is the American people are left holding the bag and paying for the bailouts. All they see is higher unemployment and a debt burden on the backs of future generations.

The defining cries of change are being heard across the nation as Americans are fed up with both political parties who they feel are more beholden to special interest groups and corporate America then their concerns.

The mid-term elections will be defining time for the nation as the American people will express their distain with politicians by voting them out of office.

The real problem is they might not want to admit it but the voters are equally responsible for the mess that we are in. How many people complain, but instead are ill-informed or know very little about the issues that ultimately affect them.

Voter will always go to someone who says what they want to hear, instead of what they know to be true. We can’t let political leaders give only cosmetic or lack of substance on how they would tackle issues facing this nation.

Both sides play this game and both sides give little depth on how they would solve the nation’s woes. We should expect more, not fall prey to catchy campaign slogans or the rhetoric of slick political operatives.

The nation has numerous problems and need real answers to these pressing issues, but we as Americans need to understand what we are voting for and for whom. The real answer is we need more that just half the country heading to the polls. The election of 2008 was a pivotal moment in American history, but only just over 50% voted. Where was the other half of the country?

If we are going to change this country then we need all Americans voting, but with the knowledge of what they are voting for. It’s our country and we need to take it back!

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