Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Agency predicts health care bill will cost $829 billion

A compromise health care proposal widely seen as having the best chance to win Democratic and Republican support would cost $829 billion over the next 10 years, nonpartisan budget analysts concluded Wednesday.
The Congressional Budget Office released its preliminary findings on the cost of the Senate’s Finance Committee’s amended bill or the Baucus plan. The preliminary findings stated that it would cost $829 billion over the next ten years and would not add any additional cost to the deficit. There still are a lot of assumptions in this preliminary report that will have to stand up to time. First it assumes that $400 billion dollars will be cut from Medicare and the fees that will be enacted will materialize. The final report is the one that we need to be concerned with and there is still a lot of rankling that will happen before that takes place. Before the final version gets voted on, most of the debate will be behind closed doors. Hardly the open debate we would have expected! Will congressional and Senate members have time to read it before they make their vote? We saw what happened with the stimulus and cap and trade bills. I still don’t trust Washington on this, if they get it wrong we pay not them!

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