Thursday, October 8, 2009

Billions are spent to defend 5,000 jobs at Boeing C-17 plant

In approving a $626-billion military budget for fiscal 2010 this week, the Senate threw in $2.5 billion for 10 more C-17s to be built at Boeing's aircraft factory on the outskirts of Long Beach Airport.,0,5007140.column?track=rss

In a previous blog I posted how billions of dollars was to be added to add more C-17 cargo aircraft to the air force inventory noting that the Air force neither asked nor wanted the aircraft. This is plainly pork barrel spending to appease congressional and senate members. Its pork barrel spending at its pure form, no wonder the deficit keeps rising. Too often the military gets equipment it does not want but Congress keeps spending on programs and weapons systems just to enrich one’s own self. Different party in power, but still same results! Tax payers lose again!

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