Saturday, October 24, 2009

Change We Can Believe In

I can’t remember a time that I have seen such pessimism in America than at this very moment, with most of the anger directed at Washington! Too often Americans see the bailout of every institution that created this mess in the first place from the auto companies to the financial institutions and even various states. Each of those responsible for the financial mess created this themselves and now Main Street America is forced to bail them out. What Americans see is everything for the perpetrators of this calamity, but nothing for American taxpayer except unemployment and economic despair.

Washington needs to end the partisan bickering and help Main Street! Individual families who have seen the value of their house depreciate and now mortgage lenders refuse to allow them to refinance their homes because the value of their homes are less then they owe.

If Washington wants to end this economic catastrophe then start helping the U.S. taxpayer by allowing home owners who have always paid their mortgage on time the ability to refinance their home. Start by passing legislation that actually creates jobs instead of reducing jobs.

Interesting few of the instigators of this calamity have been brought to justice or members of both political parties that helped create this mess thrown out of office. Both Democrats and Republican created this mess!

Corporate America needs to be held accountable for the miserable way that they have run their companies with the only goal is seeking greater wealth for themselves. Look how the auto companies have been managed over the years as more Americans trust foreign auto companies over domestic companies.

Stop corporate Welfare and force these companies to start modernizing their factories, start by reorganizing our schools where children actually learn and obtain a quality education in both vocational and scholastic studies.

Major companies need to start investing back into their companies instead of looking for short term gain start focusing on the long haul. Once we get back to the basics at the government level, at the corporate level and finally once American realize that you cannot get something for nothing you have earn it will this nation rise to the level that we know this nation can obtain.

Let’s start by rebuilding again the manufacturing base of this nation that actually produces quality products, that invests in research and development. We can re-build America!

America’s better days are not behind us, but ahead, we just have work to for it!

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