Monday, October 19, 2009

John Kerry: Strategy depends on Afghans

White Hosue Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass) said Sunday that Afghanistan must install a legitimate government before the president sends more U.S. troops to the country.
I am not sure how much trust that I have in Senator John Kerry to give correct advice! Let’s look at his track record, he voted against the first Gulf War, voted for the war in Iraq, then later voiced opposition against the conflict in Iraq. Senator Kerry then opposed the surge into Iraq that proved successful, now opposes a similar surge of U.S. forces into Afghanistan that the ground commander advocates, mush like General David Petraeus initiated in Iraq. It seems that Senator Kerry seems to make decisions by the way the political wind shifts, what we need is someone who makes decisions by what is right, not what a poll tells him!

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