Thursday, October 1, 2009

Conservative Group Criticize Retired Military on GITMO Stance

Has the discourse in this nation gotten so bad that we now question the patriotism of former military personnel in regard to the current U.S. policy at Guantanamo Bay? A recent post on the conservative group Move America Forward’s website questioned the loyalty and patriotism of retired military officers who have spoken out against the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.

It’s one thing to question ones policy beliefs, but to questions one’s patriotism as being beholden to anti-military groups; that is truly disturbing! All of these military personnel have served their country with honor and distinction while many times in harm’s way.

The question that I would like to ask the individuals at Move America Forward is how many of you have served in the military? How many of your board members served in Vietnam? Why it is that no one on your Board of Directors has any military service? The only one is Debbie Lee who lost her son in Iraq, how come not one military personnel who served in Iraq or Afghanistan serves on your board?

The author of the blog condemning former military personnel beliefs on Guantanamo Bay looks old enough to be in the military, why not take the place of someone who have done multiple tours fighting the war on terror? I guess it’s easier to condemn someone else when you are safe in the confines of your own home, then to fighting for the freedom you profess. The quote that comes to mind, “For those who have fought for it, freedom has a special place the protected will never know.”

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