Monday, October 19, 2009

White House plan: Neuter the Chamber

The White House and congressional Democrats are working to marginalize the Chamber of Commerce--the powerful business lobby opposed to many of President Barak Obama's first-year priorities--by going around the group and dealing with the CEO's of major U.S. corporations.

Again, Washington just doesn’t get it! They move to marginalize the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and meet directly with the CEO’s of various corporations, the question becomes when does small business have a seat with the president? It seems that small businesses are left out in the cold, when does the president and those professing to speak for main street America get to have their voice heard. I guess if you give major contributions to both political parties then you will have a voice, if you do not then you are just speaking into the wind. Take care of main street America and you will have economic growth, shut our small businesses and you will have economic stagnation!

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