Friday, October 2, 2009

U.S. Economy: September Job Losses Exceed Forecast

U.S. job losses accelerated last month and the unemployment rate climbed to the highest level since 1983, stark reminders of how the worst financial crisis in a generation may undermine consumer spending and economic growth in the months ahead.
This again should be no surprise to anyone! Everyone has to understand that there is too much uncertainty out in the business community that job creation will be slow in coming. Since the beginning of the year we have seen banks, auto companies and the financial institutions receive bailouts, but nothing even remotely structured to help small business. Small business is the hidden strength of this country with more Americans employed by small business then employed with large companies. Right now small business owners are waiting to see what the fallout will be from any reform to the nation’s health care, will taxes be raised, the status of Cap & Trade, and many other issues that ultimately effect the bottom line of all small businesses. Until this cloud and uncertainty is lifted will employment begin to change for the better, but don’t bet on it!

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