Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finance Committee Passes Bill With One GOP Vote

As the last of five congressional committees completed work Tuesday on a health-care reform package, lawmakers braced for a debate before the full House and Senate about whether Americans are ready to embrace the far-reaching changes necessary to extend coverage to millions of Americans.

Before everyone gets excited there still is a lot of work to be done before the health care bill is passed and the president signs it. With all the talk of transparency it isn’t likely we will see it with Health Care Reform as all discussions now will be behind closed doors to hammer out the final details. The final analysis is what will be in the final bill? Will they include the public option? Will it restrain costs? Will it be implemented immediately or implemented in the future as currently written? Will it raise taxes and will the cuts be made start right away or phased in over time? There are numerous unanswered questions! This time will Congress read the actual final Health Care legislation before it becomes law; remember the Stimulus Bill and Cap & Trade!

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