Monday, October 26, 2009

End the Partisian Divide and Take Care of America

America faces difficult problems domestically and across the globe, but what do we get from our political leaders is more partisan banter. Both political parties are more concerned with scoring points as Republicans want to making sure that the Democrats fail and Democrats are more concerned now that they have power is to enrich their political power brokers.

The American people want elected officials to work together in bi-partisanship to solve the nation’s problems and not inter squabbling among themselves. We face too many problems with the economic situation that was the result of greed from corporate America to government and finally individual citizens themselves.

With that said now start fixing the problem! American’s want the economy to produce quality jobs, meaningful health care reform that will not add to the mounting deficit.

The nation needs a foreign policy that stabilizes Afghanistan and has a bi-partisan plan not blaming each other as both parties created this mess and we need a meaningful comprehensive strategy that takes ideas from all sides.

Republicans and Democrats start working together!


  1. I agree with you, but I just don't see it getting any better.

    Another horrible by-product of getting away from what our founding fathers intended for our nation. Rather than having honorable men leave the farm (or whatever career) and serving for a period of time and then going back to the farm; we now have a permanent ruling class who are not real public servants, but self serving "leaders".

  2. Both parties are more concerned with themselves and the power brokers that support them then taking care of the problems facing this country.
