Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Health Care Reform is Coming

No matter what the arguments are for health care reform on both sides of the political isle, a final vote is coming and whatever happens will have consequences for the nation. The one question that will have the biggest political fallout will this reform measure control the rising cost of health care that its proponents allege?

All too often in the past Washington has touted major legislation that would ease the burden on average Americans and all too often costs never added up to the original price as advertised. We all agree that there needs to be health care reform in this county, but I am not sure if this is it.

A couple of items where reform would save billions of dollars would be tort reform, preventative medicine or wellness issues, and finally allowing individuals to buy insurance across state lines. All of these would save billions, offer choice and reduce the cost of health insurance, but unfortunately neither of these proposals are in the current health care reform measure or even considered for inclusion.

The proponents of the current health care reform measure had better be right on the cost or the half trillion dollars in reduction cuts that are touted will be reduced from Medicare. Also the tax increase to the American public will have to materialize to finance it, now if they are wrong then it will have dire consequence for the nation. An example is right now Medicare will be broke in about ten years and Social Security will face the same situation around 2035. What this nation can’t afford is another entitlement program that is not properly funded and that will not increase the national debt.

Right now how many political leaders in Washington know for a fact what is in the current health care legislation now being proposed? The stimulus package that was passed in February was voted on by Congress without many knowing its actual contents, and soon we found out many troublesome parts, which included bonuses for companies receiving federal stimulus funding.

If the promises that are being made are not achieved and the method to pay for it doesn’t meet expectations then again you will be witnessing a grand fleecing of America of monumental proportions.

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