Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holidays In Iraq & Afghanistan

Christmas is days away and everyone is finishing up with last minute shopping and heading to whatever destination they will spend Christmas at. As we settle into the holiday season with family let’s remember many families will be without loved ones, many children will spend Christmas without a father or mother as they will be serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

As we enjoy this holiday season, let’s take the time to remember our armed forces of this great nation who are giving up their holidays with family so that we can remain safe. Often we are more preoccupied with shopping, decorating the home and getting ready for holiday meal, but we forget we still have thousands of Americans serving in Iraq and Afghanistan who will not be home for the holidays.

What we can do is as we set down with our family, take the time and say a small prayer that they remain safe and have the burden be lifted from the shoulders of their families.

We have so much to be thankful for, lets truly remember what they are sacrificing for; freedom.

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