Thursday, December 17, 2009

House Passes $636 Billion Defense Bill

The house passed a $636 billion dollar defense bill that funds both wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, plus gives a pay increase for the armed forces. The real question that I would ask does anyone really know what is in this defense bill?

Too often partisan politics rears its ugly head and pork barrel politics is layered throughout this defense bill. For instance the air force didn’t want any additional C-17 cargo aircraft, but political leaders added it into the bill at the cost of over $2 billion dollars. Politicians from both sides of the political isle use this defense bill to bring home the bacon to their perspective states and districts all under the guise of protecting national security and jobs.

Money that is spent on national defense should be used for only one thing and that is protecting national security and nothing more!

The time is now to make real reform to the pentagon’s procurement and acquisition process. Having spent twenty five years in the Marines it’s amazing how much waste and abuse is engrained in the defense process.

If businesses across the country run their companies like the Defense Department operate they would have collapsed long ago or would have gone bankrupt. Right now the four branches of the armed forces each have a different logistical, accounting, and procurement system without the ability to communicate with the other services. How many billions of dollars are wasted on this antiquated arrangement?

Currently we have a 21st century military, but with a 19th century budgeting, procurement and acquisition system. Too often cost overruns run into the billions of dollars but the process just continues. Democrats accused Republicans of wasteful defense spending and always clamorer about being wary of the “military industrial complex,” but they are just as guilty as Republicans.

It doesn’t take a genius to fix the system; it just takes real courage and leadership which both political parties are bankrupted in.

The country can’t keep spending with its foot on the gas pedal, if it continues at this reckless spending it will endanger the national security of this nation.

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