Wednesday, December 9, 2009

President Receives Lukewarm Support on Job Proposal

Since the passage of the stimulus bill the president and his surrogates have been touting its benefits and how it kept us from the brink of financial collapse. If this was so successful then why is the administration and congressional Democrats pushing for a multi-billion dollar job package?

The president received lukewarm support for his job proposal after convening a job summit in Washington last week. The problem is not only that small businesses across America have trouble getting credit is the huge fear of what is next!

No matter what the president proposes, small businesses fear what is on the horizon. No one knows what is in the health care legislation as all the deal making is being done behind closed doors; so much for transparency. Then you have the president threatening Congress to pass environmental legislation or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will begin enact its own version of environmental regulation.

Don’t forget all the manner of regulation emanating from Congress, and how this impacts business no one knows. Fear has gripped business owners and they will not start hiring until they know what the future holds.

If the stimulus had been targeted better instead of going to groups that supported the power broker s in Washington, maybe we would not be in this position. Even today it was reported that $6 million dollars had been awarded to two firms run by Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton’s pollster, all this was to save three jobs.

We should start looking at how the money was spent and who benefited, I can tell you it was not the American people.

It’s time that both political parties start putting America first!

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