Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stimulus II the Spending Continues

Washington is at it again by spending billions on a job package that is headed to cash strapped states. What happened to the original stimulus package of almost $800 billion dollars that passed in February, I thought this was supposed to keep unemployment at around 8% as touted by the president. Congress is again looking to send billions more of tax payer money to irresponsible state governments with little or no strings attached.

California, which has the largest budget deficit, but also has been the most irresponsible in its budget process which is not surprising as this goes back to the mid-90’s, but not the result of the current economic downturn. Plain and simple California has been irresponsible or downright criminal in its handling of state financing. The budget process resembles “Enron” than anything that resonates with sound economic policy. Enron executives faced criminal charges, California political leaders are rewarded for their fiscal mismanagement of colossal proportions with continued time in office.

If anyone would look deeper into the fiscal mess the states find themselves in you will see a continued theme of fiscal mismanagement and the rewarding of special interest that only benefit political power brokers at the expense of the tax payers.

All too often economic policies went against the law of economics with government spending that was out of control with little or no accountability. Every day in California there are reports of mismanaged programs, accounting irregularities that mount to billions of dollars of waste, fraud and abuse.

The states need to get a handle on state finances and stop the bleeding now! Politicians from both sides of the political isle need to stop the endless partisan infighting and starting working for the benefit of the people instead of finding ways to enrich themselves.

Washington is on track to duplicate how the state governs and if continued will have disastrous consequence for the nation.

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