Thursday, December 3, 2009

President Convenes Job Summit

With the nation facing the worst economic situation in generation and with unemployment at record levels President Obama convened a job summit to get ideas from across America. Leaders from the business community and labor, including small businesses had the opportunity to bring forth ideas that would help stimulate employment. Notably absent were the United States Chamber of Commerce and United States Manufacturing Association, as they had been at odds with the administration over their opposition to his health care reform initiatives.

No matter what transpires from the job summit the government will ultimately have major impact on the economy. The president is right that the private sector is where the greatest impact will be. What I don’t understand is that government makes it harder for the private sector to create these jobs.

Washington can do more by ending crippling regulation, expensive mandates placed on business, the byzantine environmental regulation that hampers job creation and finally the intrusive nature of government into business operations without sound understanding of how businesses operate.

Currently labor has a vice grip on Washington power brokers that place labors interest over sound economic policies. Start looking at every piece of legislation and look at its impact on the business climate in this nation.

The presidents bowing to pressure from labor leaders and his unwillingness to pursue trade agreements with Columbia and Korea have hurt export opportunities. Environmental groups who the president is beholden to have clamped down on any gas and oil drilling that would have great impact on job creation in this country.

Each passing day the fear of uncertainty by businesses of new legislation that will further hamper their ability to expand therefore they will create the endless cycle of layoffs and unemployment.

If the president truly wants economic growth then help business not handcuff them with a straight jacket.

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