Friday, December 25, 2009

Remembering Soldier Held By Taliban

Today we get the chance to celebrate Christmas, but one family doesn’t they are still awaiting the fate of their son, Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl who is currently held by the Taliban. Pfc. Bergdahl was captured by Taliban forces last July, and currently his whereabouts are unknown at this time.

Most Americans are painfully unaware that a soldier has been held, as there has been scant news coverage of his capture. Little was mentioned back in July I guess more important matters came up like the contentious town hall meetings of August regarding health care reform.

Why is it that when it comes to the armed forces of this nation little is paid to their sacrifice, unless it’s something negative. Why do we always report on the worst aspects of our military instead of the best at what they do?

I had the opportunity to serve with many brave men and women in Iraq & Afghanistan and I can tell you the nation would be proud.

Today lets a say a prayer for Pfc. Bergdahl and his family this Christmas season and let’s pray for his safe return!

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