Friday, December 11, 2009

Who Has A Plan For Ending U.S. Unemployment?

It seems that both political parties have no idea how to end the high unemployment in this country. Today, in the Washington Post Congressman John Boehner, House minority leader wrote an op-ed that is critical of the president’s proposal for reducing unemployment.

Congressman Boehner is correct that government is not the answer and real job creation will only come from the private sector and the president should realize that small business is the true engine of job creation in this country.

He is speaking what we all know, the question that I have for the congressman is why have you not articulated this before? During the Bush Administration, Republicans acted irresponsibly regarding economic policy by ignoring sound business practices. The deficit for one skyrocketed under the their stewardship of the economy, the concern for small business was an afterthought now that a Democrat is in the White House they are concerned with the plight of small business.

Democrats portray themselves as the champion of the working class, then why to they pursue radical economic policies that go counter to sound economic policy. If you want to grow the nation’s economy why hasn’t this administration focused on expanding free trade to other regions and markets? The reason organized labor has a vice grip on Democrat leaders.

Both political parties need to remove themselves from special interest groups and start focusing on getting this nation moving again. Democrats need to stop listening to organized labor and environmental groups that support unsound business practices. Republicans need to unshackle themselves from big business and end corporate welfare that only benefits corporate power elites at the expense of working Americans.

Everyone knows what needs to be done, just start doing it! Once sound economic policies are enacted then you will see the revival of the American economy.

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