Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Job Summit a Bust!

No matter what transpires out of the jobless summit, one thing is clear both political parties are clueless in solving Americas most pressing issue; joblessness. Democrats and Republicans both are equally guilty in why we are in this financial mess. Both parties spend all their efforts helping their special interests then what is best for the country.

Republicans are more concerned with protecting corporate power brokers then taking care of the needs of the average Americans. Democrats are shackled to the ankle by labor and environmental groups that advocate catastrophic policies that go against all economic logic.

At the job summit many ideas were proposed, but each proposal does nothing to relieve the burden on small businesses that are the back bone of this country. Tax credits and other simplistic recommendations really do nothing to alleviate the fear that permeates across the business community.

Businesses continually look to the future and all they see are higher taxes, unsure of the cost of current health care reform being debated in congress, how Cap & Trade legislation will affect them, and all the expansive legislation being formulated in Congress. Businesses are not going to begin the expense of hiring if they are unsure of the future.

The administration has to get out of the idea that government spending alone will improve the economic climate in this nation. It didn’t work during the great Depression and it will not work now.

You start helping small businesses and entrepreneurs and you will witness economic growth. President Reagan and President Clinton understood this, but this president just doesn’t seem to understand!

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