Sunday, December 13, 2009

Senate Passes $1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill

Today, the Senate passed a massive $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill for fiscal year 2010. The real question that has to be addressed is what is in this spending bill? How many earmarks have been stuffed into this monstrosity? This spending bill that passed the Senate is a 10% increase above last year’s spending and do we wonder why the country still manages to accumulate massive amount of debt.

A real threat to the nation’s security will not come from abroad but will be by our own doing as we continually amass enormous amount of debt without any serious strategy reducing its magnitude. Nations around the world are concerned with this debt burden and wonder if America is an attractive investment; at some point the bill will be due!

Both political parties placed the nation is this predicament and it will take both parties to bring America back from the brink of financial ruin. Unfortunately both political parties are more beholden to special interest then doing what is right for the nation.

An interview by Fox News, Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, was quoted that he introduced almost 400 different earmarks then commented that he is in favor of banning earmarks altogether. The question is then why did you introduce these earmarks in the first place?

The time has come to end business as usual and start looking at what is best for the nation not what is best for Washington! The free spending that was often criticized in the last administration has only accelerated under the current administration. Both parties have to initiate fiscal discipline and the American people have to demand it!

If we don’t start reducing our national debt the future of economic security will turn into a calamity.

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