Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obama's Problem the Economy

Ultimately if the president wants to succeed, his success will be determined on reviving the U.S. economy and nothing else! Every issue from health care to climate change has to be looked through the prism of its effect on the U.S. economy and its impact on job creation.

The heart and soul of American power is a thriving and robust economy and if we are to be engaged around the world then the U.S. needs a strong economic base.

The nation has to focus on revitalizing the infrastructure that has been long neglected by administrations of both parties and it needs to be addressed now! The country can’t grow economically if continues to let its roads, bridges, airports, educational systems and its manufacturing base deteriorate at an alarming rate.

The stimulus package passed in February was supposed to focus on infrastructure spending, but it was allowed to be dictated by power grabbing politicians and labor interests. The president has to ensure that money gets allocated in the proper hands and is invested into the nation’s economic base. The president has to fight long and hard and even if it means going against the base of his party and other entrenched interest groups that like the status quo.

Economic focus has to be the priority of this administration and nothing can or should divert his attention from it. Every piece of legislation must be looked at its effect on the economy!

The president can look back into history with the Russian launch of Sputnik in 1957 and its effect of galvanizing the nation in revitalizing its educational system by focusing on improving its science and technological research capabilities. More focus needs to be placed on math, science, engineering, and high tech research and development capabilities, with less on legal studies.

Our industrialized competitors such as China and India place more emphasis on math, science, but also focus more weight on engineering then the United States. In comparison the U.S. has more lawyers then our competitors, and if you notice almost all members of the U.S. Congress are attorneys, including the president.

Even our vocational training programs have been allowed to languish from lack of focus and funding as political leaders look with arrogant elitism at anyone working with their hands. This has to change and fast!

By refocusing on the industrial heartland of updating the antiquated infrastructure of this country will begin to revitalize this nation. The president needs to focus on the true strength of this nation and that is the entrepreneurial spirit of this country.

Entrepreneur or the risk takers then ones that create the next great invention that will transform a product or idea into a revelation. Look at the major high technology firms of today, many were not around twenty years ago now they are the heart and soul of America. Google comes to mind!

Focus on small businesses and entrepreneurs and help them get established, by making their lives easier not harder. If the president invests his time in these areas he will succeed if not he will be a one term president!

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