Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Outrageous State Salaries

Check the link below on any state agency and you will be shocked as I was to see what we pay government officals! California has a huge budget deficit and the situation only gets worse for the state and many people in California are facing layoffs and had to readjust their finances to meet ends meet. Type in corrections and place in dentist and you see what some dentists are making. Now can anyone explain to me why we are paying a dentist this kind of money and if you look at the salaries of other government employees they receive the same kind of compensation, but don’t forget we also have to pay their retirement as well? The people of this state have made sacrifices but our government seems to be exempt! If you want to balance the budget start reducing the salary of these individuals and make it more in line with the private sector.

August 2009: New database shows six-figure government salaries abound in Bay Area

A public health care district in Southern Alameda County paid its chief executive &876,831 in 2008--more than twice as much as any other local governement employee in the East bay, san Francisco, San Mateo County and San Joaquin County, an extensevie survey of salary data by the Bay area News Group found.

This shouldn’t shock anyone as this is happening at all levels of government from city, county and state level governments and you wonder why this state is going broke. It’s time for everyone to wake up as we are being fleeced to pay for a bloated government while services are being cut and taxes are being raised. The situation will only get worse, because we now have to pay for these same individuals retirement.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Public plan goes down in Senate Finance Committee

The Senate Finance Committee has voted against creating a new government health insurance plan to compete with the private market.

The 15-8 vote could forcast the fate of the public option in the Seante as a whole. The outcome was expected but still a defeat for liberals who view government-sponsored insurance for the middle class as a key component of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

The public option came down to a vote in the Senate Finance Committee and like expected failed in committee even though Democrats have a three vote advantage. The one question that I would like to have answered is if those that support the public option where will the funds come from to get the public option started? If it doesn’t meet its initial expectation, like all government programs then where does the additional funding come from? We all know it will come from the taxpayers and it will dramatically add to deficit as has been reported by the Congressional Budget Office. We better be right or the taxpayers will be settled with an albatrosses!

Why Medical Malpractice Is Off Limits

Eliminating defensive medicine could save upwards of $200 billion in health-care costs annually, according to estimates by the American Medical Association and others. The cure is a reliable medical malpractice system that patients, doctors and the general public can trust.

If everyone is concerned with the rising cost of health care, why haven’t we heard anything about reforming medical malpractice or tort reform? Instituting basic reform of medical malpractice you can save around $200 billion dollars annually, this according to estimates by the American Medical Association. This is substantial savings that would definitely help reduce health care costs. Many doctors consistently complain about the high cost of medical malpractice and they in turn have to pass to cost onto the consumer. Why haven’t we heard about medical malpractice reform, but I guess in Washington you have to follow where the money flows; meaning who benefits the most from the current system; and it’s not the American people.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wall Street money rains on Chuck Schumer

Wall Street has showered nearly $11 million on the Senate since the beginning of the year, and more than 15 percent of it has gone to a single senator: Democrat Chuck Schumer of New York.

Different political party same results! Special interests are the ones who control the power in Washington at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayer.

U.S. Commander of Afghanistan only talked to Obama once

The military general credited for capturing Saddam Hussein and killing the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq says he has only spoken to President Obama once since taking command of Afghanistan.
This article is the most disturbing part of this whole debate on whether to increase troop strength in Afghanistan as requested by Gen Stanley McChrystal, the current ground commander in Afghanistan. In an interview on CBS 60 Minutes, General McChrystal was asked how many times you had spoken with the president. He has spoken with him once in 70 days! American troops are fighting and dying in Afghanistan and the president has only spoken with him once! If this was the previous administration you know for a fact there would be such an uproar and hearings would definitely be going on by the Congress. Where is the outrage that General McCrystal sent his assessment to the President on August 29th, with the president still reviewing it and only convened his National Security team just little more than once? Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has Gen. McChrystal’s troop request but Secretary Gates is holding on to it for now. What is the wait! Rigorous debate is needed as to make sure we implement the right strategy, but what is the administration waiting on! Politics is playing out at the expense of our troops!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Is ‘Buy American’ a Slogan Worth Preserving?

Call it the Rubber-Chicken War—the looming trade dispute between the United States (which has announced punitive tariffs on imports of Chinese tires) and China (which is threatening retaliation against American poultry exports). Against the background of the G20 trade talks in Pittsburgh, that contretemps made this an auspicious time to examine the age-old question of protectionism. Last week, beginning the fourth season of public debates sponsored by Intelligence Squared US, six panelists discussed the proposition that "Buy American/Hire American policies will backfire."
In a previous post I mentioned that the ongoing building of the new San Francisco Bay Bridge expansion is now going to be extended beyond its original completion date because of steel deliveries from China. The delivery of steel from China will be delayed because of problems with the welds; in my previous post why are we buying steel from China when it should be cheaper to buy the steel from our own steel manufacturing base. The article below will explain why we had to buy steel from China, but first read the Newsweek article to understand this problem.
One of the best-kept secrets in the federal government is how much the steel industry is subsidized. Hopefully, this situation will change. A recent study entitled Paying the Price for Big Steel, released by the American Institute for International Steel, provides a compelling case for the immediate elimination of restrictive trade restraints on steel imports and subsidies for domestic steel producers. The 107th Congress should take a closer look at subsidies and trade restraints granted to the large, integrated U.S. steel companies.
Even though this article was written some time ago in the first few years of the Bush Administration but it still continues into the Obama Administration and is relevant today. The domestic steel manufacturing base receive over a billion dollars in government subsidies that were supposed to make them more competitive, but instead they just pocket the money therefore making it more expensive to produce U.S. steel therefore it's cheaper to purchuse steel from our foreign competitors. U.S. Steel is better quality then its Chinese competitors then why was the U.S. steel bid 23% higher than its Chinese competitors? The costs was more than $400 million dollars, and because of the expensive U.S. steel costs, we have to wait until the problem of the Chinese steel welds are fixed. These are questions that need to be looked into or do we have to wait until the Steel Industry goes bankrupt and expect a bailout from you guess the U.S. taxpayer. If the Steel industry wants to compete in the global economy maybe they should modernize their plants and improve global productivity and efficiency standards. The American taxpayers keep paying a high price to protect antiquated industries that like the auto companies refuse to modernize their factories and compete against its foreign rivals. In this case why are we being fleeced while corporations get richer at taxpayer expense?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tax-friendly places to retire

Maybe you're thinking about relocating in retirement, in hopes of enjoying milder weather and lower expenses. Before you make a move, it pays to assess the overall tax burden of your future home.
Not only is California one of the worst states to do business in, it now ranks as one of the worst states to retire in. If you want to retire you may work in California but you retire somewhere else; that is if you can! Way to go Sacramento!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Democrats Are Jarred by Drop In Fundraising

Democratic political committees have seen a decline in their fundraising fortunes this year, a result of complacency among their rank-and-file donors and a de facto boycott by many of their wealthiest givers, who have been put off by the party's harsh rhetoric about big business.

Before Republicans start rejoicing in the drop of campaign dollars given to the Democratic Party they better analysis why, as this will not mean the public has accepted their version of governing. The American people want answers to their problems not more partisanship, but want Washington to act in their interests and not Wall Street or Corporate Americas. The Democratic Party was elected to change the direction of the tone in Washington and solve problems facing the average American; unfortunately the Democratic Party lurched leftward and enacted partisan legislation that favored their core constituents. Every piece of legislation that passed or being debated favored the liberal agenda against what the American people wanted. You can blame Republicans all you want but what really stopped health care reform was the Blue Dog Demarcates who were appalled by the free spending liberal Democrats and their lack of bi-partisanship to members of their own party and to others.

Budget Office Misses on Big Bills Cloud Health Debate

The Congressional Budget Office estimated in 2003 that a new Medicare drug benefit would cost $518 billion. The price tag, slightly more than three years later: $382 billion, the agency reported.

The CBO predicted in 2008 that a plan to fight the housing crisis would help 400,000 Americans refinance $68 billion worth of mortgages; it ended up helping just a few dozen. And the budget office said it would cost $25 billion to keep Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac afloat. It underestimated the cost by a factor of more than 10.

The health care debate moves forward, but what we must ask ourselves is how much will this cost the American people. Spiraling cost of health care is crippling the competiveness of business and with a growing segment of society without health care insurance all add to broken nature of health care in this country. The problem that both sides have not answered is how to fix the problem? In July the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated that the current legislation in both the House and the Senate would cost the tax payer close to $1.6 trillion dollars and does nothing to reduce the cost of health care in this country. Every major piece of legislation has wildly been inaccurate in its budget forecasting. As the article mentioned, it came under in its Medicare drug benefit budgeting but came over budget in its bailout of Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae. We can’t be wrong on legislation that will transform almost 20% of the nation’s economy; if Congress is wrong then the nation will suffer!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A $4 billion bailout for the Postal Service?

The House voted Thursday to freeze Medicare Part B premiums for most elderly next year, even as Democrats moved to exempt the Postal Service from having to make $4 billion in payments due next week to cover retirement health benefits for its employees.

The back-to-back actions reflect a flurry of last minute multi-billion-dollar fixes, often without warning, as the government approaches the new fiscal year beginning next Thursday, Oct. 1.

Is it a wonder why Americans are cynical about politics and trust in our political leaders is at an all time low, now if the post office needs a bailout how are we to trust government to manage health care?

Republican Party’s Image Improves; Still Trails Democrats’

The Republican Party's image -- quite tattered in the first few months after the 2008 elections -- has seen some recent improvement. Forty percent of Americans now hold a favorable view of the Republicans, up from 34% in May. The Republicans still trail the Democrats on this popularity measure, as 51% of Americans now view the Democrats favorably. With the Democrats' favorable rating dipping slightly since last November, their advantage has narrowed.
Before Republicans can get excited they need to take this Gallup Poll with a grain of salt. Missteps by the Democrats who over stated their mandate and governed from the left coupled with the mood of the country that hasn’t seen any improvement to economy, but only see massive bailouts to banks and the auto companies. For the American people to trust the GOP they need to come up with viable plans that address the concerns that plague Americans. The mean spirit politics of Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck will not bring the GOP out of the political wilderness only new political leaders who place the needs of main street USA first and not the rigid ideologues who now govern the party. Only then will Americans trust the GOP!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is It Amateur Hour in the White House?

The administration's handling of Afghanistan policy has been amateur hour. The leak of General Stanley McChrystal's assessment of the dire situation there faces President Obama with by far his most serious foreign-policy challenge. It's also a challenge to what appears to be his whole approach to foreign policy.
The more that is known about how the administration is handling the assessment that was delivered by General Stanley McChrystal on August 30th the more troubling it becomes. First, why is it taking so long for the president to make a decision when he has had the report for almost a month? Second, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated to Margaret Warner of PBS, “We will get assessments from others.” Who are these other sources, since this assessment was done by a team of international civilian and military experts ranging from the respected policy centers of Brookings Institute and the Center for Strategic and International Studies? Who are these experts that are advising this president? Remember this is his strategy as he changed direction in March when he sent 21,000 additional troops, plus replaced the previous ground commander during the summer with General McChrystal. Last month he stated that Afghanistan is a war of necessity but then also commented that we have no strategy in Afghanistan. Far cry from what he said in March. As time goes on I am getting concerned that he doesn’t know what to do!

Group: State tax setup not business-friendly

California's tax system is the 48th least business-friendly among the 50 states, according to the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based research group.

The foundation's 2010 State Business Tax Climate Index, released Tuesday, ranked California ahead of only New York and 50th-ranked New Jersey.

This should be no shocker to anyone living in California. California’s unemployment is now over 12% and you can blame the economy all you want but it still doesn’t begin to answer this state’s biggest problem; it’s just not business friendly. The non-profit group “Tax Foundation” rated the various states and California came out as the third worst state for business to operate in. You can blame the recession on the high unemployment but California’s real problem is Sacramento consistently makes it harder for businesses to operate in. High tax rates, confusing regulation, and environmental policy that is chaotic, with high litigations that hamper business growth and keep businesses from hiring additional workers. If California doesn’t change its approach to business the situation will get worse and will affect the national economy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

General's Review Creates Rupture

Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal's grim assessment of the Afghanistan war has opened a divide between the military, which is pushing for an early decision to send more troops, and civilian policymakers who are increasingly doubtful of an escalating nation-building effort.

We can win the situation in Afghanistan, but we need to act now! General Stanley McChrystal submitted his assessment to the President on August 30th nearly a month ago but the President at this point has made no decision. He still wants to review it, but he has been seen on many talk shows and on David Letterman while the troops in harm’s way await his decision. The troubling part is that President Obama has only meet with his natioanl security advisors to discuss the memo only once, it seems other items are more inportant then Afghanistan. Rumor has it that many in his administration want to delay a decision to other time, the president flatly denied this, but if true then he will pay a price for playing politics with the lives of American troops. More forces are needed and if you remember that General McChrystal is his handpicked ground commander after having fired the last one. This is what leadership is, the White House is a lonely place, as President Kennedy once found out during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama open to newspaper bailout bill

The president said he is "happy to look at" bills before Congress that would give struggling news organizations tax breaks if they were to restructure as nonprofit businesses.
Hopefully this is just wishful thinking on the president’s part; bailing out news organizations would be a colossal mistake! The problem with news organizations today they are to partisan, to bias and give out false information. It’s a wonder more Americans get their news from other sources instead of from traditional news sources. In a previous post for the Pew Research Center reported that just 29% of Americans state that news organizations get the facts straight, our biased and report inaccurate information. The news media needs to get back to reporting the news not making news. A tax payer bailout is out of the question!

McChrystal's Afghanistan Failure Warning

The situation in Afghanistan is serious and growing worse and without more boots on the ground the United States risks failure in a war it's been waging since shortly after the terror attacks of September 2001, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, says in a confidential report.,8599,1925115,00.html

Decisions will have to be made and soon if the military will be able to get the troop increase it needs to additional forces into Afghanistan. The campaign is behind the president and he will have to make the tough choice on whether to send additional forces to Afghanistan. Hopefully reports that have been circulated that had his administration had been telling the military to hold off asking for more troops are false so he can focus on domestic policy. If not then this president will face a political hornets nest!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Going Broke: State's a wreck – can it be fixed?

Three inarguable facts dominate California's system of financing state government:
• It's a mess.
• It's currently a mess in large part due to the deepest and most pervasive global recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
• It's been a mess for much of the past three decades because the combination of an out-of date tax system, reckless spending and fickle voters has made state government extremely vulnerable to the ebbs and flows of the economy.
Many people believe that State of California is un-governable, but that is like stating defeat! We can fix this state and we can make it the envy of the nation instead of a laughing stock. Some much needed reform with a major overhaul is in order. The first thing is to change all these conditional offices such as Lt. Governor, Attorney Generals and others into cabinet posts so when the governor is elected he can selected them; but they would have to be confirmed by the State Senate. This way you have accountability instead everyone pushing their own agenda and wasting tax payer dollars. Make the budget a two year cycle instead of yearly budget, so you can have more oversight on each agency and department. The next would be an external audit of all agencies and departments to see how expenditures are being spent to include a state freeze on all spending at current levels. There are many more areas to reform but you have to start somewhere!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

G.O.P. Checks for a Pulse, and Finds One

Less than a year after an election that nearly wiped them out politically, conservatives are showing signs of life.

Before the Republican Party can start rejoicing that they found their voice, they better start thinking about issues that are concern to the average Americans. The economy is front and center in most American eyes and Republicans need to start focusing on issues that Americans are concerned with. The face of the party has to change as they can’t keep being the party of no or having the voice of the party led by mean spirited personalities such as Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck. Remember Ronald Reagan espoused conservative values but also had crossover appeal. Remember he was able to cross over into traditional Democratic voters or the so called Reagan Democrats. America will not trust the current Republican leaders nor should they as they were part of the problem by the free will spending of the last eight years. The current crop of leaders of the party support the military as long as they or their family do not have to serve. The Republican Party needs a major overhaul if they are again able to be creditable and that time is a long way off.

Friday, September 18, 2009

California's unemployment rate rises to 12.2%

Despite signs an economic recovery has begun in the state, California's unemployment rate inched up in August, once again setting a new postwar high at 12.2%.,0,1171726.story?track=rss

For any business owner this should be no surprise! To many Californians what should we expect, when this state is ranked as one of the least business friendly state in the nation! Too often our political leaders in Sacramento impose higher taxes, confusing regulations, government imposed mandates that stifle innovation and any job growth. Small businesses is the real engine of economic growth, but unfortunately our political leaders in Sacramento would rather score points with special interests then help small business expand economic opportunity in this state. Why can other states achieve growth but not this state with all of our diversity and innovation of industry? That is the real question!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Senate Bill Sets Lines for Health Showdown

The major new health-care overhaul bill that landed in the Senate on Wednesday sets the lines for a fall showdown over taxes, spending and coverage for millions of uninsured Americans.

The biggest problem in the health care debate right now is that there is no one single plan being debated. Senator Max Baucus of Montana just recently unveiled his health care plan with both sides rejecting elements of it. The president consistently speaks about the problem and what he wants in health care reform but as of yet there is nothing yet put forward. Each side is digging in to their core beliefs which the sticking points being a government health care option and the eventual cost of reform. Right now other issues have largely been forgotten that can help drive down the cost of health care reform, such as the impact on small business, the middle class, tort reform, and personnel lifestyle choices. We spend enormous amount on the curing the disease, but very little on preventative measure that two-thirds of all Americas are considered obese as according to the Center for Disease Control. We need to look at all issues or we will never reduce the health care costs; we will only add to the growing deficit.

Job-Killing Policies Could Doom Democrat Hopes

"The level of unemployment is unacceptably high. And will, by all forecasts, remain unacceptably high for a number of years."

Who do you suppose said that? A Republican political operative? A Fox News political analyst? One of those several hundred thousand Tea Partiers who assembled in Washington on Sept. 12? No, it was Lawrence Summers, the director of Barack Obama's National Economic Council and, by common consent, one of the world's leading economists.

This one issue concerns more Americans than anything else. Individuals are worried will they have a job, and especially those that have been laid off will they be able to find a job with the salaries that they were making before. Lawrence Summers, the director of President Obama’s National Economic Council stated, “The level of unemployment is unacceptably high. And will, by all forecasts, remain unacceptably high for a number of years.” This one statement has sever consequence for the president and his plan to enact his policy agenda. More needs to be done to help small business who account for seventy five percent of employment of most Americans. Right now small businesses are being besieged from all sides and many are complaining they can’t get the capital they need to expand their business. If small business stagnates then you will see the employment situation get worse. The real question is what is the administration doing to help small business?

Obama Delays Afghanistan Troop Decision as Criticism Deepens

President Barack Obama said he’ll hold off deciding whether to add more U.S. troops to the war in Afghanistan, as Democratic lawmakers raised concerns that he lacks a clear plan and measures of progress.

Tough choices await President Obama regarding the situation in Afghanistan. Last year during the campaign he repeatedly stated that we took our eye off the ball and went into Iraq; where as the good war was in Afghanistan. Also stating that as president he would send more troops into Afghanistan. At the beginning of his presidency he sent additional 21,000 troops, well now General McChrystal has requested additional forces with some estimates reaching around 40,000 additional U.S. forces. This is where the president has to make a tough choice does he give what the military is asking for or does he appease his base who now are against any additional troops and want us to pull out entirely. Remember all along they had been calling Afghanistan the good war. Whatever decision he makes will have consequences!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why is Obama repating Bush's Iraq Afghanistan?

Politics is rearing its ugly head at the expense of the troops serving in Afghanistan. General Stanley McChrystal, commander of all forces in Afghanistan has submitted his assessment for achieving victory in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, political expedience is again dictating U.S. policy, just like it did during the Iraq War and during Vietnam. All of us agree that we need to change strategy in Afghanistan, but we disagree on what that course is. More troops are needed and the right kind of strategy needs to be imposed to achieve victory. A strong civil military operation strategy that incorporates the integration of NATO and US forces to achieve a common strategy would go a long way. First more US forces are needed and if Gen McChrystal articulates how his strategy would work then let the debate begin, but let’s not play politics with the lives of our troops.

Senate's 10-year health fix would cost US $856B

Sen. Max Baucus on Wednesday brought out the much-awaited Finance Committee version of an American health-system remake — a landmark $856 billion, 10-year measure that starts a rough ride through Congress without visible Republican backing.

Health care cost is rising at an alarming rate, but unfortunately this plan really does nothing to reduce the cost of health care in this country. The cost like most health care options is to reduce the cost of health care but it uses over optimistic projections on funding for health care reform. How many times in the past have cost estimates proved correct! This plan goes against what the President had wanted by adding to the deficit, and not reducing costs. The other problem it makes no provision or changes to medical malpractice laws that our crippling the health care industry. In a previous post one needs to look at a health care reform that was proposed by CEO of Whole Foods as a starting off point. We can’t make assumptions on the cost then prove we were wrong; as we will pay in the long run.

Carter: Racism plays major role in opposition to Obama

Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that racial politics played a role in South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress last week and in some of the opposition the president has faced since taking office.
This nation needs to bring about some sort of civility back to public decorum. Before anyone utters the word racism they need to have evidence to back it up. This charge is extremely polarizing and offensive that it reverberates beyond the individual who utters it. Often in the past charges of racism had been used only to find out that it was not the case. The Duke University case is one such example. Racism exist in this country and everyone should admonish all those who hold racist views, but before you level the charge of racism you better have solid evidence to back it up not some sort of minuscule evidence to back up your statement. You can oppose this president and still not be a racist. Too freely using the term you diminish when there is truly a racist issue or moment.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

US military chief wants more troops for Afghan war

President Barack Obama's top military adviser endorsed an increase in U.S. forces for the worsening war in Afghanistan on Tuesday, setting up a split with leading Democrats in Congress and complicating an already-tough decision for the president himself.

A decision has to me made soon whether to back the troop increase that Gen McChrystal, the ground commander of both American and NATO forces on his assessment that he delivered to the President. A troop increase is needed, but with the decision to send troops we also have to have a viable civil military operation plan that incorporates both military and civilian objectives. What we can’t do is play partisan politics with how we move forward in Afghanistan; if we do we will lose.

Bernanke says recession is "very likely" over

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday that the worst U.S. recession since the Great Depression was probably over, but the recovery would be slow and it would take time to create new jobs.
The recession may be over from a statistical analysis, but unfortunately Americans are still feeling its repercussions. The mood in the country is somber as more Americans are worrying will they have a job, or how are they going to meet their mortgage payment. The relief that was promised at the beginning of the year all seems to go to bailing out the auto companies and major financial institutions. More needs to be done to help small businesses who employ almost seventy five percent of the American workforce. Once small business feels secure only then will growth begin to happen.

Assembly Line Can the state increase regulation and create manufacturing jobs?

This summer, the Milken Institute released its second report on manufacturing in California. Seven years the institute sounded the alarm that California was losing its manufacturing edge, the driving force for postwar prosperity from the aerospace industry through high technology. The institute said policy makers should pay attention to the state’s manufacturing decline.
If the state of California is going to recover from the recession it’s going to have to have a serious debate how to rebuild the declining manufacturing base of this state. The report illustrate and in my previous posting on this blog, this state encourages the very opposite of creating jobs with other states capitalizing on the turmoil in California. This report should be a wakeup call to everyone that we can’t keep losing quality jobs to other states; we have to make it easier for business to want to come to California and create jobs here.

The Conversation: Employment debate focuses on creaky wheels of industry

Since the latest budget revision was signed at the end of July, there has been a loud chorus decrying the compromise struck between Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Legislature because it contained no new taxes on business. The leaders of this "tax business" chorus have submitted an initiative aimed at repealing business tax reforms enacted in February that were meant to level the playing field for California employers.
California faces the greatest economic situation since the Great Depression, but most of it is self inflicted. We can fool ourselves and belief that it was the result of the current financial crisis and there is some truth to that, but the real culprit is policies enacted by politicians in Sacramento. How can the state with the 7th largest economy in the world face such dire economic strangulation? Every problem we face here is the direct result of self serving interests by politicians in Sacramento, until we demand action then we get what we deserve, then suffer the consequences!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Only Decisive Force Can Prevail in Afghanistan

It remains a clear, vital national interest of the United States to prevent this from happening. Yet an increasing number of commentators, including some of the very same individuals who opposed the surge in Iraq and called for withdrawal there, now declare Afghanistan essentially unwinnable. Had their view prevailed with respect to Iraq in 2006 and 2007, the consequences of our failure there would have been catastrophic.

Either we fight to win in Afghanistan or we will reap the whirlwind on what follows. This will take leadership and determination, but are we up to it! For those serving in Afghanistan, let’s hope so!

Trust in News Media Falls to New Low in Pew Survey

Trust in news media has reached a new low, with record numbers of Americans saying reporting is inaccurate, biased and shaped by special interests, according to a survey set to be released Monday.
This should not shock anyone! The News media has gotten so biased, peruse partisan politics and report inaccurate information it’s a wonder why more Americans get their news from online sources. You want to end the partisanship in this country first start with the news affiliates who peddle their partisan agenda. No one is immune from it as both side sides peddle the sludge of tabloid news without any real breath of journalistic integrity.

Burning Rubber: Proposed Duties on Chinese Tires Whiff of Senseless Protectionism

Although the stew that is the U.S.-China trade relationship has the potential to reach a full boil, it has been on a low simmer since before the start of the financial crisis and subsequent global economic slowdown. Despite pork bans, poultry bans, a steady stream of antidumping and countervailing duty investigations, dispute settlement judgments from the World Trade Organization, accusations of currency manipulation, admonitions regarding China’s dependence on export-led growth, and China’s concerns about the impact of profligate U.S. government spending on its U.S. debt holdings, the relationship has held up fairly well.

Is the President going to make a decision on what’s good for the country or what’s good for labor? Time will tell!

Why the China-U.S. Trade Dispute Is Heating Up

The relationship between China and the U.S. may be the world's most complicated. While the two economies desperately need each other — China relies on exports to the U.S. to drive growth while the U.S. requires investments from China to finance its giant deficits — Beijing and Washington nevertheless routinely spar over a wide range of sensitive issues.,8599,1922155,00.html

Now is this in the best interest of this country in the long run or is this in the best interest of big labor? The ramifications are enormous!

Congressional Dems Get Balky on Afghanistan

The last of the 21,000 new troops aren't scheduled to arrive in Afghanistan until November, but already patience among congressional Democrats is wearing thin. Senator Russ Feingold has called for a withdrawal timeline.,8599,1922144,00.html

The President has tough choices to make, even as Democrats in Congress are starting to waver. Last year Afghanistan was the good war and Iraq was the distraction from our real fight. Now that the Democrats are in charge they want to pullout, leadership comes with a price. The President has to make a decision does he go with the military recommendation or does he appease his base. Time will tell.

Democrats see race factor for Barack Obama foes

Eight months into Barack Obama’s presidency, as criticism of his administration seems to reach new levels of volume and intensity each week, the whispers among some of his allies are growing louder: That those who loathe the nation’s first African-American president, and especially those who would deny his citizenship, are driven at least in part by racism. Read more:

This is why racism still exists in America. Not all Americans who speak out against this President Obama are against him because of his race. They see bailout after bailout happening with massive government spending at record clip and with no relief for the average Americans. If you disagree with this President then you are a racist, this is a very slippery slope that Democrats are venturing into. Just like calling all Americans at the town halls in August as un-American. This has to stop!

Pension troubles mount with investment losses

Inland governments sweetened retirements for employees when times were good, but now that the economy has soured, taxpayers may end up paying a hefty price.
Retirement investment funds for Riverside and San Bernardino counties each lost about $1.5 billion -- roughly a quarter of their value -- in the fiscal year that ended June 30, finance staff estimate. Many cities also lost big as markets plummeted.

This is being repeated throughout California! Most Californias are unaware of the financial repercussions of overly generous pensions given to public employees. Cities, counties and state governments are facing this problem right now and the taxpayers are the ones who will be footing the bill as government services are reduced to pay for generous government pensions that were not properly funded.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Afghan war could cost Obama key supporters

Ignoring the overwhelming Democratic-voter opposition to the Afghanistan war threatens to cost Barack Obama the support of young people and anti-war voters who helped make him president. It could destroy any possibility of achieving his robust domestic agenda as well. President Obama needs an exit strategy instead of an escalation strategy. Read more:

Since when does this nation run foreign policy by taking a poll! These same individuals claimed we should have been fighting all along in Afghanistan instead of Iraq, well now we are fighting there and now state it’s time to come home. Afghanistan is not Vietnam! I served their and Afghanistan is not Vietnam, if we leave prematurely it will create instability that will create greater problems. Let’s wait until General McChrystal’s assessment comes out before we criticize what’s in it. We should never run our foreign policy by taking a poll; if we do it will be to our detriment.

Where Politics Don’t Belong

For years now, many businesses and individuals in the United States have been relying on the power of government, rather than competition in the marketplace, to increase their wealth. This is politicization of the economy. It made the financial crisis much worse, and the trend is accelerating.

Power politics and special interests groups have gotten us into the problem that we face and the recent debate over health care will take us the same way that we got into the financial calamity today. The American people need to start taking stock of what their political leaders are doing in their behalf and not look the other way. If we place our head in the sand we will regret our inaction.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hoyer: 'Some form' of public insurance option will pass House

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) suggested Friday that the House was capable of passing a health reform bill that contains some variant of the public option.

The one question that hasn’t been answered regarding the public option is where is the money going to come to establish the public option? If the public option is established and it doesn’t perform up to expectations and it needs an infusion of capital where does that capital come from? When has a government agency or program worked like it was intended? We all know the money will all come from the tax payer; yet again

China Steel Problems Could Delay Bridge Opening

Just two days after giving itself a huge pat on the back for getting the Bay Bridge open for the Tuesday commute, Caltrans is giving new red flags about the project completion date.
The single anchor suspension bridge is supposed to be open to traffic in 2013.
On Wednesday Caltrans said issues with steel deliveries from China has put them a year behind in the process of fabrication.

With high unemployment in the United States especially in the industrial heartland of America, why are we buying steel from China? Whatever happened to building up the manufacturing base of this country? This just boggles the mind that we have the capacity and the resources but we go to China to create jobs for their people. Who thought this was the way to create economic growth; let’s re-build American manufacturing first and put Americans back to work!

Pelosi Sees Support Ebbing for Afghan War

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she sees little congressional support for boosting troop levels in Afghanistan, putting the Democratic majority in Congress on a possible collision course with the Obama administration over the future conduct of the war there.

Partisan politics is again rearing its ugly head. Democratic Speaker of the House of Representative Nancy Pelosi stated that there is little support for boosting troop levels in Afghanistan. Democratic Senate Majority leader, Senator Harry Reid and Democratic chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, Senator Carl Levin reiterated this same argument. It’s incredible that the same political leaders who only a few months ago replaced one general in Afghanistan with Gen McCrystal who currently submitted to the President his recommendation for the situation in Afghanistan. In the next few months he will submit that he is requesting additional troops in Afghanistan, above what is currently in country. This reminds me of what General David Petraeus encountered in 2007, when he was confirmed unanimously by the Senate only to have his surge plan rejected by these same political leaders. His plan proved successful from reversing the violence in Iraq. If the current ground commander suggests this is what will reverse the surge by the Taliban, let’s not condemn it without debate first. Let’s not play partisan politics, just to appease one’s base!

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare

With a projected $1.8 trillion deficit for 2009, several trillions more in deficits projected over the next decade, and with both Medicare and Social Security entitlement spending about to ratchet up several notches over the next 15 years as Baby Boomers become eligible for both, we are rapidly running out of other people's money. These deficits are simply not sustainable. They are either going to result in unprecedented new taxes and inflation, or they will bankrupt us.

CEO John Mackey of Whole Foods wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on August 11th that received ridicule and liberal groups started boycotts of Whole Foods, all because he was against the public option. John Mackey is no conservative, and is a self styled progressive on various issues. Everyone realizes health care reform is long overdue that the current pace is unsustainable! The current plan articulated by the President on September 9th hasn’t addressed how we will begin to pay for the current proposals now in the congress. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued a report in July stating that the current plans now being debated in Congress do nothing to reduce the cost of health care and at present will cost the U.S. tax payer over $1.6 trillion dollars. This on top of almost $10 trillion dollars we are currently in debt for. Even the Republican response to the president’s proposal doesn’t address how we will pay for health care reform or how we cover the uninsured. As the President spoke once enacted it will not take effect for four years. This way it gives us time to flush out the bugs! If that is case what is the rush! John Mackey has some good points, let's review all proposals, not listening to someone just because we disagree with them will only serve to undermine this nation! Let’s have true bipartisan approach and let’s set down and craft something that we can be proud of, if not then we will regret what we did!

High unemployment for years to come.

The president’s chief economic adviser warned Friday that the nation’s unemployment rate could stay “unacceptably high” for years to come — a situation that would seriously complicate Barack Obama’s ability to convince Americans that he’s beating back the recession. Read more:

This should be no surprise to anyone. Since the beginning of the year nothing has been done to help small business or provide any relief to the millions of business owners across the nation. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) that helped the major banks address the problems with the subprime mortgage crisis, all it accomplished is help the banks bottom line but nothing stipulated in this bailout that you have to loan out a certain percentage to small business owners and individuals. Credit is hard to come by; many small business owners rely on credit to expand their business. Even the billions that the U.S. treasury spent bailing the troubled U.S. auto companies it helped out major corporations but unfortunately very little was done to help the small business owners across the country. The real job creator is small business were over seventy five percent of all American are employed in this country. Since the current administration came into office in January and with the congress have enacted proposals that make it harder for small business to expand and therefore create jobs that will be the engine of growth for this nation. No time in the history of this country has government spending spurred economic growth. Pundits look to government spending during the Great Depression and World War II that expanded post World War economic expansion, but if you look hard it was the private sector that made economic growth possible. Start helping the small business owner and you will see economic growth.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why CMO Will Be A Combat Multiplier In COIN

hhtp:// 31, 2009

For the second time in a generation America went to war prepared to fight utilizing a conventional war strategy against an irregular army. Again, the U.S. failed to understand the premise that Clausewitz articulated, by entering into a war that we wanted to fight, not the war that we ended up with.