Saturday, September 19, 2009

G.O.P. Checks for a Pulse, and Finds One

Less than a year after an election that nearly wiped them out politically, conservatives are showing signs of life.

Before the Republican Party can start rejoicing that they found their voice, they better start thinking about issues that are concern to the average Americans. The economy is front and center in most American eyes and Republicans need to start focusing on issues that Americans are concerned with. The face of the party has to change as they can’t keep being the party of no or having the voice of the party led by mean spirited personalities such as Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck. Remember Ronald Reagan espoused conservative values but also had crossover appeal. Remember he was able to cross over into traditional Democratic voters or the so called Reagan Democrats. America will not trust the current Republican leaders nor should they as they were part of the problem by the free will spending of the last eight years. The current crop of leaders of the party support the military as long as they or their family do not have to serve. The Republican Party needs a major overhaul if they are again able to be creditable and that time is a long way off.

1 comment:

  1. The Republicans simply need to go back to being conservative, not just less liberal than the Democrats.
