Friday, September 25, 2009

Democrats Are Jarred by Drop In Fundraising

Democratic political committees have seen a decline in their fundraising fortunes this year, a result of complacency among their rank-and-file donors and a de facto boycott by many of their wealthiest givers, who have been put off by the party's harsh rhetoric about big business.

Before Republicans start rejoicing in the drop of campaign dollars given to the Democratic Party they better analysis why, as this will not mean the public has accepted their version of governing. The American people want answers to their problems not more partisanship, but want Washington to act in their interests and not Wall Street or Corporate Americas. The Democratic Party was elected to change the direction of the tone in Washington and solve problems facing the average American; unfortunately the Democratic Party lurched leftward and enacted partisan legislation that favored their core constituents. Every piece of legislation that passed or being debated favored the liberal agenda against what the American people wanted. You can blame Republicans all you want but what really stopped health care reform was the Blue Dog Demarcates who were appalled by the free spending liberal Democrats and their lack of bi-partisanship to members of their own party and to others.

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