Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is It Amateur Hour in the White House?

The administration's handling of Afghanistan policy has been amateur hour. The leak of General Stanley McChrystal's assessment of the dire situation there faces President Obama with by far his most serious foreign-policy challenge. It's also a challenge to what appears to be his whole approach to foreign policy.
The more that is known about how the administration is handling the assessment that was delivered by General Stanley McChrystal on August 30th the more troubling it becomes. First, why is it taking so long for the president to make a decision when he has had the report for almost a month? Second, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated to Margaret Warner of PBS, “We will get assessments from others.” Who are these other sources, since this assessment was done by a team of international civilian and military experts ranging from the respected policy centers of Brookings Institute and the Center for Strategic and International Studies? Who are these experts that are advising this president? Remember this is his strategy as he changed direction in March when he sent 21,000 additional troops, plus replaced the previous ground commander during the summer with General McChrystal. Last month he stated that Afghanistan is a war of necessity but then also commented that we have no strategy in Afghanistan. Far cry from what he said in March. As time goes on I am getting concerned that he doesn’t know what to do!

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