Sunday, September 20, 2009

Going Broke: State's a wreck – can it be fixed?

Three inarguable facts dominate California's system of financing state government:
• It's a mess.
• It's currently a mess in large part due to the deepest and most pervasive global recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
• It's been a mess for much of the past three decades because the combination of an out-of date tax system, reckless spending and fickle voters has made state government extremely vulnerable to the ebbs and flows of the economy.
Many people believe that State of California is un-governable, but that is like stating defeat! We can fix this state and we can make it the envy of the nation instead of a laughing stock. Some much needed reform with a major overhaul is in order. The first thing is to change all these conditional offices such as Lt. Governor, Attorney Generals and others into cabinet posts so when the governor is elected he can selected them; but they would have to be confirmed by the State Senate. This way you have accountability instead everyone pushing their own agenda and wasting tax payer dollars. Make the budget a two year cycle instead of yearly budget, so you can have more oversight on each agency and department. The next would be an external audit of all agencies and departments to see how expenditures are being spent to include a state freeze on all spending at current levels. There are many more areas to reform but you have to start somewhere!

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