Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Carter: Racism plays major role in opposition to Obama

Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that racial politics played a role in South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress last week and in some of the opposition the president has faced since taking office.
This nation needs to bring about some sort of civility back to public decorum. Before anyone utters the word racism they need to have evidence to back it up. This charge is extremely polarizing and offensive that it reverberates beyond the individual who utters it. Often in the past charges of racism had been used only to find out that it was not the case. The Duke University case is one such example. Racism exist in this country and everyone should admonish all those who hold racist views, but before you level the charge of racism you better have solid evidence to back it up not some sort of minuscule evidence to back up your statement. You can oppose this president and still not be a racist. Too freely using the term you diminish when there is truly a racist issue or moment.

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