Friday, September 18, 2009

California's unemployment rate rises to 12.2%

Despite signs an economic recovery has begun in the state, California's unemployment rate inched up in August, once again setting a new postwar high at 12.2%.,0,1171726.story?track=rss

For any business owner this should be no surprise! To many Californians what should we expect, when this state is ranked as one of the least business friendly state in the nation! Too often our political leaders in Sacramento impose higher taxes, confusing regulations, government imposed mandates that stifle innovation and any job growth. Small businesses is the real engine of economic growth, but unfortunately our political leaders in Sacramento would rather score points with special interests then help small business expand economic opportunity in this state. Why can other states achieve growth but not this state with all of our diversity and innovation of industry? That is the real question!

1 comment:

  1. Just one of the many reasons we fled California.

    I am surprised that the rate is not higher than 12.2%. California has become one of the most business-unfriendly states our union has ever seen. Rather than the "leaders" (state and local) changing things to improve the economy and promote business, they continue to stay on the path which has created problems in the first place.

    We moved to a state (1 of 3, out of 50) that actually has a budget surplus; imagine that... not spending more than you can afford.

    The majority of the people in California are hard working middle/right individuals, but they refuse to get involved. The result is the that the socialists (Republicans and Democrats) just run amok. The politicians are completely out of control and have no desire to change their behavior. They will not stop until there is a revolt in California or the state goes bankrupt.
