Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why Medical Malpractice Is Off Limits

Eliminating defensive medicine could save upwards of $200 billion in health-care costs annually, according to estimates by the American Medical Association and others. The cure is a reliable medical malpractice system that patients, doctors and the general public can trust. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204488304574432853190155972.html#mod=article-outset-box

If everyone is concerned with the rising cost of health care, why haven’t we heard anything about reforming medical malpractice or tort reform? Instituting basic reform of medical malpractice you can save around $200 billion dollars annually, this according to estimates by the American Medical Association. This is substantial savings that would definitely help reduce health care costs. Many doctors consistently complain about the high cost of medical malpractice and they in turn have to pass to cost onto the consumer. Why haven’t we heard about medical malpractice reform, but I guess in Washington you have to follow where the money flows; meaning who benefits the most from the current system; and it’s not the American people.

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