Thursday, September 17, 2009

Senate Bill Sets Lines for Health Showdown

The major new health-care overhaul bill that landed in the Senate on Wednesday sets the lines for a fall showdown over taxes, spending and coverage for millions of uninsured Americans.

The biggest problem in the health care debate right now is that there is no one single plan being debated. Senator Max Baucus of Montana just recently unveiled his health care plan with both sides rejecting elements of it. The president consistently speaks about the problem and what he wants in health care reform but as of yet there is nothing yet put forward. Each side is digging in to their core beliefs which the sticking points being a government health care option and the eventual cost of reform. Right now other issues have largely been forgotten that can help drive down the cost of health care reform, such as the impact on small business, the middle class, tort reform, and personnel lifestyle choices. We spend enormous amount on the curing the disease, but very little on preventative measure that two-thirds of all Americas are considered obese as according to the Center for Disease Control. We need to look at all issues or we will never reduce the health care costs; we will only add to the growing deficit.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there is no single plan being debated, in fact the one bill that has been pushed forward is so stinking big that none of the politicians have read it. I feel that the largest problem is that we have a permanent ruling class of political "leaders" who are all looking to solve problems that they largely created, but they are not willing to acknowledge their complicity.

    If the government wants to fix health care, they need to get out of health care. Oversight is one thing, but every aspect of our economy that they run, they destroy. Additionally, health care is not a right!! People need to stop expecting their insurance carrier to cover every little doctor visit. Catastrophic coverage is what we all should have, no more.

    Oh yeah... and you should only have health insurance if (brace yourself) you can actually pay for it on your own.

    Enough ranting for now.
