Thursday, September 24, 2009

Republican Party’s Image Improves; Still Trails Democrats’

The Republican Party's image -- quite tattered in the first few months after the 2008 elections -- has seen some recent improvement. Forty percent of Americans now hold a favorable view of the Republicans, up from 34% in May. The Republicans still trail the Democrats on this popularity measure, as 51% of Americans now view the Democrats favorably. With the Democrats' favorable rating dipping slightly since last November, their advantage has narrowed.
Before Republicans can get excited they need to take this Gallup Poll with a grain of salt. Missteps by the Democrats who over stated their mandate and governed from the left coupled with the mood of the country that hasn’t seen any improvement to economy, but only see massive bailouts to banks and the auto companies. For the American people to trust the GOP they need to come up with viable plans that address the concerns that plague Americans. The mean spirit politics of Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck will not bring the GOP out of the political wilderness only new political leaders who place the needs of main street USA first and not the rigid ideologues who now govern the party. Only then will Americans trust the GOP!

1 comment:

  1. Do we actually have to parties? They pretty much seem the same to me, more spending, more government control, less overall liberty; farther and farther away from our founding father's intent.
