Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Group: State tax setup not business-friendly

California's tax system is the 48th least business-friendly among the 50 states, according to the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based research group.

The foundation's 2010 State Business Tax Climate Index, released Tuesday, ranked California ahead of only New York and 50th-ranked New Jersey.

This should be no shocker to anyone living in California. California’s unemployment is now over 12% and you can blame the economy all you want but it still doesn’t begin to answer this state’s biggest problem; it’s just not business friendly. The non-profit group “Tax Foundation” rated the various states and California came out as the third worst state for business to operate in. You can blame the recession on the high unemployment but California’s real problem is Sacramento consistently makes it harder for businesses to operate in. High tax rates, confusing regulation, and environmental policy that is chaotic, with high litigations that hamper business growth and keep businesses from hiring additional workers. If California doesn’t change its approach to business the situation will get worse and will affect the national economy.

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