Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Conversation: Employment debate focuses on creaky wheels of industry

Since the latest budget revision was signed at the end of July, there has been a loud chorus decrying the compromise struck between Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Legislature because it contained no new taxes on business. The leaders of this "tax business" chorus have submitted an initiative aimed at repealing business tax reforms enacted in February that were meant to level the playing field for California employers. http://www.sacbee.com/325/story/2092700.html
California faces the greatest economic situation since the Great Depression, but most of it is self inflicted. We can fool ourselves and belief that it was the result of the current financial crisis and there is some truth to that, but the real culprit is policies enacted by politicians in Sacramento. How can the state with the 7th largest economy in the world face such dire economic strangulation? Every problem we face here is the direct result of self serving interests by politicians in Sacramento, until we demand action then we get what we deserve, then suffer the consequences!

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