Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama Delays Afghanistan Troop Decision as Criticism Deepens

President Barack Obama said he’ll hold off deciding whether to add more U.S. troops to the war in Afghanistan, as Democratic lawmakers raised concerns that he lacks a clear plan and measures of progress.

Tough choices await President Obama regarding the situation in Afghanistan. Last year during the campaign he repeatedly stated that we took our eye off the ball and went into Iraq; where as the good war was in Afghanistan. Also stating that as president he would send more troops into Afghanistan. At the beginning of his presidency he sent additional 21,000 troops, well now General McChrystal has requested additional forces with some estimates reaching around 40,000 additional U.S. forces. This is where the president has to make a tough choice does he give what the military is asking for or does he appease his base who now are against any additional troops and want us to pull out entirely. Remember all along they had been calling Afghanistan the good war. Whatever decision he makes will have consequences!

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