Thursday, September 17, 2009

Job-Killing Policies Could Doom Democrat Hopes

"The level of unemployment is unacceptably high. And will, by all forecasts, remain unacceptably high for a number of years."

Who do you suppose said that? A Republican political operative? A Fox News political analyst? One of those several hundred thousand Tea Partiers who assembled in Washington on Sept. 12? No, it was Lawrence Summers, the director of Barack Obama's National Economic Council and, by common consent, one of the world's leading economists.

This one issue concerns more Americans than anything else. Individuals are worried will they have a job, and especially those that have been laid off will they be able to find a job with the salaries that they were making before. Lawrence Summers, the director of President Obama’s National Economic Council stated, “The level of unemployment is unacceptably high. And will, by all forecasts, remain unacceptably high for a number of years.” This one statement has sever consequence for the president and his plan to enact his policy agenda. More needs to be done to help small business who account for seventy five percent of employment of most Americans. Right now small businesses are being besieged from all sides and many are complaining they can’t get the capital they need to expand their business. If small business stagnates then you will see the employment situation get worse. The real question is what is the administration doing to help small business?

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