Thursday, December 31, 2009

America Needs to Vote

With 2009 drawing to a close, that witnessed the beginning of a new president, but more important a presidency that was supposed to transcend politics. Instead of ending the partisan battles of the past eight years we have seen the partisanship reach epic proportions.

Both sides are equally at fault for the partisan divide with Democrats and Republicans unwilling to compromise and would rather see legislation only benefit their particular political allies. What is lost in the debate is who is looking after the interests of the American people?

The past year massive bailouts have been given to corporate and business groups and the bailouts will continue into the New Year. Lost in all this is the American people are left holding the bag and paying for the bailouts. All they see is higher unemployment and a debt burden on the backs of future generations.

The defining cries of change are being heard across the nation as Americans are fed up with both political parties who they feel are more beholden to special interest groups and corporate America then their concerns.

The mid-term elections will be defining time for the nation as the American people will express their distain with politicians by voting them out of office.

The real problem is they might not want to admit it but the voters are equally responsible for the mess that we are in. How many people complain, but instead are ill-informed or know very little about the issues that ultimately affect them.

Voter will always go to someone who says what they want to hear, instead of what they know to be true. We can’t let political leaders give only cosmetic or lack of substance on how they would tackle issues facing this nation.

Both sides play this game and both sides give little depth on how they would solve the nation’s woes. We should expect more, not fall prey to catchy campaign slogans or the rhetoric of slick political operatives.

The nation has numerous problems and need real answers to these pressing issues, but we as Americans need to understand what we are voting for and for whom. The real answer is we need more that just half the country heading to the polls. The election of 2008 was a pivotal moment in American history, but only just over 50% voted. Where was the other half of the country?

If we are going to change this country then we need all Americans voting, but with the knowledge of what they are voting for. It’s our country and we need to take it back!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obama's Problem the Economy

Ultimately if the president wants to succeed, his success will be determined on reviving the U.S. economy and nothing else! Every issue from health care to climate change has to be looked through the prism of its effect on the U.S. economy and its impact on job creation.

The heart and soul of American power is a thriving and robust economy and if we are to be engaged around the world then the U.S. needs a strong economic base.

The nation has to focus on revitalizing the infrastructure that has been long neglected by administrations of both parties and it needs to be addressed now! The country can’t grow economically if continues to let its roads, bridges, airports, educational systems and its manufacturing base deteriorate at an alarming rate.

The stimulus package passed in February was supposed to focus on infrastructure spending, but it was allowed to be dictated by power grabbing politicians and labor interests. The president has to ensure that money gets allocated in the proper hands and is invested into the nation’s economic base. The president has to fight long and hard and even if it means going against the base of his party and other entrenched interest groups that like the status quo.

Economic focus has to be the priority of this administration and nothing can or should divert his attention from it. Every piece of legislation must be looked at its effect on the economy!

The president can look back into history with the Russian launch of Sputnik in 1957 and its effect of galvanizing the nation in revitalizing its educational system by focusing on improving its science and technological research capabilities. More focus needs to be placed on math, science, engineering, and high tech research and development capabilities, with less on legal studies.

Our industrialized competitors such as China and India place more emphasis on math, science, but also focus more weight on engineering then the United States. In comparison the U.S. has more lawyers then our competitors, and if you notice almost all members of the U.S. Congress are attorneys, including the president.

Even our vocational training programs have been allowed to languish from lack of focus and funding as political leaders look with arrogant elitism at anyone working with their hands. This has to change and fast!

By refocusing on the industrial heartland of updating the antiquated infrastructure of this country will begin to revitalize this nation. The president needs to focus on the true strength of this nation and that is the entrepreneurial spirit of this country.

Entrepreneur or the risk takers then ones that create the next great invention that will transform a product or idea into a revelation. Look at the major high technology firms of today, many were not around twenty years ago now they are the heart and soul of America. Google comes to mind!

Focus on small businesses and entrepreneurs and help them get established, by making their lives easier not harder. If the president invests his time in these areas he will succeed if not he will be a one term president!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas in Afghanistan

B-roll of Soldirs distributing Chrismtas presents to Soldiers at Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Remembering Soldier Held By Taliban

Today we get the chance to celebrate Christmas, but one family doesn’t they are still awaiting the fate of their son, Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl who is currently held by the Taliban. Pfc. Bergdahl was captured by Taliban forces last July, and currently his whereabouts are unknown at this time.

Most Americans are painfully unaware that a soldier has been held, as there has been scant news coverage of his capture. Little was mentioned back in July I guess more important matters came up like the contentious town hall meetings of August regarding health care reform.

Why is it that when it comes to the armed forces of this nation little is paid to their sacrifice, unless it’s something negative. Why do we always report on the worst aspects of our military instead of the best at what they do?

I had the opportunity to serve with many brave men and women in Iraq & Afghanistan and I can tell you the nation would be proud.

Today lets a say a prayer for Pfc. Bergdahl and his family this Christmas season and let’s pray for his safe return!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Health Care Passes Senate

Today the senate passed its version of Health Care Reform and now the difficult part is the reconciliation between the house and senate version. The reform measure as expected passed in the senate in a strictly partisan fashion with no Republicans voting for the bill. Before anyone gets too excited there are major disagreements between both versions of the bill and will take many weeks to iron out the differences.

The passage of the senate health care bill was messy and ripe with political corruption as various senators held out to very end until they received special treatment and major concessions that other states did not.

The real fundamental question of this health care reform measure if passed will it control costs and not add to the national debt. Right now I seriously doubt that it will control cost! No major piece of legislation has ever lived up to its initial projection.

Currently the assumption that the half trillion dollars in Medicare cuts will have be realized, and whenever has Congress been able to cut anything from Medicare. The variety of taxes that will be levied all across the U.S. economy will have to be able to meet expectations.

Whatever happens will have a major effect on the national security of this nation! Currently this health care reform measure is being rushed through without thinking of the long term consequences to the national debt and future generations.

This bill if signed by the president passes will not take effect until 2013, so then why the rush! Let’s take our time and get it right, if not then we will be settled with monstrous new entitlement that will have the opposite of what’s intended.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holidays In Iraq & Afghanistan

Christmas is days away and everyone is finishing up with last minute shopping and heading to whatever destination they will spend Christmas at. As we settle into the holiday season with family let’s remember many families will be without loved ones, many children will spend Christmas without a father or mother as they will be serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

As we enjoy this holiday season, let’s take the time to remember our armed forces of this great nation who are giving up their holidays with family so that we can remain safe. Often we are more preoccupied with shopping, decorating the home and getting ready for holiday meal, but we forget we still have thousands of Americans serving in Iraq and Afghanistan who will not be home for the holidays.

What we can do is as we set down with our family, take the time and say a small prayer that they remain safe and have the burden be lifted from the shoulders of their families.

We have so much to be thankful for, lets truly remember what they are sacrificing for; freedom.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

President Signs Defense Bill

Monday President Obama signed a $636.3 billion dollar defense bill for 2010 that also contains $128 billion for the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and gives the military a 3.4 percent pay increase. Whatever happened to reform that we had been promised? Has anyone even looked at what is in this massive expenditure of funding?

We know for a fact many earmarks were inserted that only enrich or benefit political leaders from both sides. The Air Force didn’t ask for funding for the C-17 cargo plane, but the Air Force now has additional planes it didn’t want at the tune of over $2 billion dollars.

All too often the ones screaming the loudest about cutting Pentagon spending are the ones groveling at the trough of wasteful defense spending. Just follow the money trail and you will see both political parties use the defense budget for their own political gains.

This budget contained no real reform that will modernize the defense acquisition and procurement system. Too often weapons systems come online after billions of cost overruns. Each new system is billions over budget and the taxpayer are the ones that pay.

The time has come to modernize acquisition and procurement system of the Defense Department. The savings can be used for other areas, or help reduce the national debt which is truly a threat to national security.

Let’s get real reform and let’s get it now!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Holidays In Afghanistan

Christmas is just days away and many of us are finishing up last minute Christmas shopping and making the final arrangements on where we will be spending the holidays. Unfortunately, those serving in the military – in harm’s way -- know all too well how they will be spending Christmas: Doing the same thing that they have been doing day in and day out -- going on patrol into the vast unknown never knowing if this will be their last mission.

Speaking from experience, the holidays can be a very difficult time for the serviceman or woman. You continue with your mission, but your mind ponders on your loved ones at home. I cannot help but think of the time I spent serving our Nation in Afghanistan during the holidays.

The day starts like any other day, but you know something is different when you enter the chow hall as decorations are affixed everywhere and a holiday display is arranged in front of the entrance. Military personnel serving the meal are wearing various holiday-themed accessories and the meal is in line with a traditional feast that you could find anywhere back home.

No matter how well the military tries to make this a festive event it still doesn’t replace spending time with family or friends back home. One’s mind reflects on home and loved ones, and you yearn to call home and surprise your family with your voice. Yet, it doesn’t duplicate being there.

Standing in the chow line, I’d remember the home-cooked meals that my mother would spend hours making the traditional Italian meal for my family. It wasn’t the holidays without my Italian father opening a bottle of red wine, reminiscing about his family in Italy when he was a boy.

Our holiday meal in the military was oftentimes was a processed turkey and a piece of pie. Afterwards, we went back to work that evening as I had the night shift in the command center. I’d make a quick call back home then for a few minutes I felt like I wasn’t in Afghanistan. Several minutes later, it was back to reality; back to war-torn Afghanistan.

I, and many like myself, have endured much to support the cause of freedom. It was a sacrifice and hardship when I returned home one year from Iraq then had the unfortunate timing of not being present when my mother passed away. Instead of a joyous homecoming, it was replaced with the funeral for my dear mother. Instead of a happy celebration turned into sorrow and pain.

No one knows what a service member goes through except other service members. This holiday season let’s take the time for just a brief moment remember all those serving to protect our freedoms and the freedom of others that they stay safe and can return home to their families. It’s the least we can do!

Friday, December 18, 2009

President Obama and Copenhagen

President Obama has placed himself in a very precarious situation in regard to climate change and his attending the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen. The real issue of Copenhagen is the reduction of carbon emissions by all nations! The problem is that developing nations want the wealthier nations to transfer around $30 billion dollars to themselves too help them mitigate the effects of climate change.

The real problem with this is that developing nations want a transfer of wealth to them to help deal with the effects of climate change, but they want it with no strings attached. We are again witnessing the flawed element of the Kyoto Climate Summit in 1998 as the developing world was exempted from making cuts in carbon emissions and the U.S. was forced to make drastic cuts that would have had dramatic effects to the U.S. economy. The U.S. failed to sign the Kyoto Treaty over this objection as China, India, Russia, and the developing world were exempted from making reductions, but the U.S. had to make drastic cuts in emissions.

Again we are seeing the same problems in Copenhagen. China & India are refusing to make deep cuts in carbon emissions and even if they did agree to any sort of reduction, how would it be verified? Right now China is the number one country in the emissions of carbon into the atmosphere.

This is the real dilemma the president has, how do you get an agreement where the Chinese agree to reduce emissions, except independent verifications, convince skeptical Americans on the effects of climate change, and probably the most contentious issues for Americas is the cost of $100 billion dollars to be given to foreign governments especially China.

The president faces frustrated liberal base that wants something now and are growing increasingly irate with this president for failing to deliver on their most cherished issues. The president currently has two highly volatile issues that are increasingly unpopular with the American people; health care and Cap & Trade Legislation.

The president will have to use all manner of persuasion to navigate these treacherous waters or he will return to Washington in a weakened state then when he left. The real problem is he set himself up last year as he would solve all these problems; remember his campaign slogan, “Change we can believe in.”

Change means something different to different people and now he has to govern. The problem that all politicians fall into is that campaigning is far different then governing. This president is now finding out the hard way!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

House Passes $636 Billion Defense Bill

The house passed a $636 billion dollar defense bill that funds both wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, plus gives a pay increase for the armed forces. The real question that I would ask does anyone really know what is in this defense bill?

Too often partisan politics rears its ugly head and pork barrel politics is layered throughout this defense bill. For instance the air force didn’t want any additional C-17 cargo aircraft, but political leaders added it into the bill at the cost of over $2 billion dollars. Politicians from both sides of the political isle use this defense bill to bring home the bacon to their perspective states and districts all under the guise of protecting national security and jobs.

Money that is spent on national defense should be used for only one thing and that is protecting national security and nothing more!

The time is now to make real reform to the pentagon’s procurement and acquisition process. Having spent twenty five years in the Marines it’s amazing how much waste and abuse is engrained in the defense process.

If businesses across the country run their companies like the Defense Department operate they would have collapsed long ago or would have gone bankrupt. Right now the four branches of the armed forces each have a different logistical, accounting, and procurement system without the ability to communicate with the other services. How many billions of dollars are wasted on this antiquated arrangement?

Currently we have a 21st century military, but with a 19th century budgeting, procurement and acquisition system. Too often cost overruns run into the billions of dollars but the process just continues. Democrats accused Republicans of wasteful defense spending and always clamorer about being wary of the “military industrial complex,” but they are just as guilty as Republicans.

It doesn’t take a genius to fix the system; it just takes real courage and leadership which both political parties are bankrupted in.

The country can’t keep spending with its foot on the gas pedal, if it continues at this reckless spending it will endanger the national security of this nation.

Stimulus II the Spending Continues

Washington is at it again by spending billions on a job package that is headed to cash strapped states. What happened to the original stimulus package of almost $800 billion dollars that passed in February, I thought this was supposed to keep unemployment at around 8% as touted by the president. Congress is again looking to send billions more of tax payer money to irresponsible state governments with little or no strings attached.

California, which has the largest budget deficit, but also has been the most irresponsible in its budget process which is not surprising as this goes back to the mid-90’s, but not the result of the current economic downturn. Plain and simple California has been irresponsible or downright criminal in its handling of state financing. The budget process resembles “Enron” than anything that resonates with sound economic policy. Enron executives faced criminal charges, California political leaders are rewarded for their fiscal mismanagement of colossal proportions with continued time in office.

If anyone would look deeper into the fiscal mess the states find themselves in you will see a continued theme of fiscal mismanagement and the rewarding of special interest that only benefit political power brokers at the expense of the tax payers.

All too often economic policies went against the law of economics with government spending that was out of control with little or no accountability. Every day in California there are reports of mismanaged programs, accounting irregularities that mount to billions of dollars of waste, fraud and abuse.

The states need to get a handle on state finances and stop the bleeding now! Politicians from both sides of the political isle need to stop the endless partisan infighting and starting working for the benefit of the people instead of finding ways to enrich themselves.

Washington is on track to duplicate how the state governs and if continued will have disastrous consequence for the nation.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

POW PFC Berghahi

Most Americans Christmas is a time to spend with family and friends, but one family will have a very lonely Christmas as there only concern is the whereabouts of their soldier son PFC Bowe Bergdahi of Hailey, Idaho who was captured by the Taliban in June of this year.

The true sad part of this story is little has been mentioned about him except a brief period in mid-July when the media began to cover this but then quickly moved on to more important matters. To the family of this brave soldier they have to constantly live each day not knowing the whereabouts or the safety of their son.

All of us should feel guilty that we just go about our lives and never truly understand the sacrifices of our armed forces who are serving the cause of freedom so far away.

The media first covered his capture in July then moved on to more pressing matters with the coverage of the contentious Town Hall meetings that Congressional and Senate leaders faced in August. Much attention has been given to the debate about sending more forces into Afghanistan but little thought was given to whatever happened to PFC Berghahi.

Again this story is beginning to bubble up as Fox News reported that the Taliban announced they will release a new video of the captured soldier sometime in the next day or so. With this declaration it’s amazing that no coverage has been given to this except what was has been reported from Fox News.

Are we too concerned with our own lives to truly feel what the parents of PFC Berghahi must me going through? This holiday season let’s pray for a safe return of PFC Berghahi to his family!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Health Care Reform is Coming

No matter what the arguments are for health care reform on both sides of the political isle, a final vote is coming and whatever happens will have consequences for the nation. The one question that will have the biggest political fallout will this reform measure control the rising cost of health care that its proponents allege?

All too often in the past Washington has touted major legislation that would ease the burden on average Americans and all too often costs never added up to the original price as advertised. We all agree that there needs to be health care reform in this county, but I am not sure if this is it.

A couple of items where reform would save billions of dollars would be tort reform, preventative medicine or wellness issues, and finally allowing individuals to buy insurance across state lines. All of these would save billions, offer choice and reduce the cost of health insurance, but unfortunately neither of these proposals are in the current health care reform measure or even considered for inclusion.

The proponents of the current health care reform measure had better be right on the cost or the half trillion dollars in reduction cuts that are touted will be reduced from Medicare. Also the tax increase to the American public will have to materialize to finance it, now if they are wrong then it will have dire consequence for the nation. An example is right now Medicare will be broke in about ten years and Social Security will face the same situation around 2035. What this nation can’t afford is another entitlement program that is not properly funded and that will not increase the national debt.

Right now how many political leaders in Washington know for a fact what is in the current health care legislation now being proposed? The stimulus package that was passed in February was voted on by Congress without many knowing its actual contents, and soon we found out many troublesome parts, which included bonuses for companies receiving federal stimulus funding.

If the promises that are being made are not achieved and the method to pay for it doesn’t meet expectations then again you will be witnessing a grand fleecing of America of monumental proportions.

Monday, December 14, 2009

President Obama Making Same Mistake as President Bush

President Obama is making the exact same mistake that President Bush made in the first few years of the Iraq war. Consistently wanting to win but at the same time pushing a strategy of disengagement. You either fight or you withdraw; you can’t have it both ways.

In the first few years of conflict in Iraq, President Bush pursued a strategy of succeeding in Iraq at the same time articulating a policy of disengagement. Unfortunately this policy resulted in failure and it wasn’t until the surge strategy adopted in 2007, that implemented a strategy to win instead of advocating disengagement.

When military strategy is implemented you have to see it through you can’t advocate engagement at the same time that of wanting to remove yourself from the fight; all this brings is confusion.

President Obama needs to learn the lessons of previous administrations when engaged in conflict. Much has been stated about U.S. involvement in Vietnam, but one has to remove the partisan glasses and truly look at whole picture. U.S. policy was to engage but wanting to extricate ourselves as well. The result was mismanaged and confusing military strategy. The same outlook was evident in Iraq, but changed with General David Petraeus surge strategy.

The president needs to articulate that he is committed and not sending signals that he is wavering on his commitment to Afghanistan. Since the president’s address to the nation, the debate has centered on his statement on beginning the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 2011.

Recent statements by his national security team have muddied the water and made it unsure of how committed the president is to his policy. Statements the president has made on how he reached this decision have made his commitment seem empty handed.

The question will come in the months that follow once casualties spike as they did in the early months of the Iraq surge will the president continue or disengage in the face of a public backlash. One has to look back at the early months of the surge and the political backlash that followed casualty increase, even President Obama was against the surge and now has grudgingly accepted its success.

The president needs to speak forcibly and convincingly that he is committed to the surge of forces into Afghanistan. The American public will respond to a president who is confident and reassured of his plan of action; if not they will be confused as the sacrifice is not worth the price.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Senate Passes $1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill

Today, the Senate passed a massive $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill for fiscal year 2010. The real question that has to be addressed is what is in this spending bill? How many earmarks have been stuffed into this monstrosity? This spending bill that passed the Senate is a 10% increase above last year’s spending and do we wonder why the country still manages to accumulate massive amount of debt.

A real threat to the nation’s security will not come from abroad but will be by our own doing as we continually amass enormous amount of debt without any serious strategy reducing its magnitude. Nations around the world are concerned with this debt burden and wonder if America is an attractive investment; at some point the bill will be due!

Both political parties placed the nation is this predicament and it will take both parties to bring America back from the brink of financial ruin. Unfortunately both political parties are more beholden to special interest then doing what is right for the nation.

An interview by Fox News, Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, was quoted that he introduced almost 400 different earmarks then commented that he is in favor of banning earmarks altogether. The question is then why did you introduce these earmarks in the first place?

The time has come to end business as usual and start looking at what is best for the nation not what is best for Washington! The free spending that was often criticized in the last administration has only accelerated under the current administration. Both parties have to initiate fiscal discipline and the American people have to demand it!

If we don’t start reducing our national debt the future of economic security will turn into a calamity.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Who Has A Plan For Ending U.S. Unemployment?

It seems that both political parties have no idea how to end the high unemployment in this country. Today, in the Washington Post Congressman John Boehner, House minority leader wrote an op-ed that is critical of the president’s proposal for reducing unemployment.

Congressman Boehner is correct that government is not the answer and real job creation will only come from the private sector and the president should realize that small business is the true engine of job creation in this country.

He is speaking what we all know, the question that I have for the congressman is why have you not articulated this before? During the Bush Administration, Republicans acted irresponsibly regarding economic policy by ignoring sound business practices. The deficit for one skyrocketed under the their stewardship of the economy, the concern for small business was an afterthought now that a Democrat is in the White House they are concerned with the plight of small business.

Democrats portray themselves as the champion of the working class, then why to they pursue radical economic policies that go counter to sound economic policy. If you want to grow the nation’s economy why hasn’t this administration focused on expanding free trade to other regions and markets? The reason organized labor has a vice grip on Democrat leaders.

Both political parties need to remove themselves from special interest groups and start focusing on getting this nation moving again. Democrats need to stop listening to organized labor and environmental groups that support unsound business practices. Republicans need to unshackle themselves from big business and end corporate welfare that only benefits corporate power elites at the expense of working Americans.

Everyone knows what needs to be done, just start doing it! Once sound economic policies are enacted then you will see the revival of the American economy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Debt Ceiling To Be Raised By $1.8 trillion

Right now Democrats are preparing to raise the federal debt ceiling by up to $1.8 trillion dollars. This is a staggering amount considering the amount of cumulative debt that nation already has this just boggles the mind. Both political parties blame each other! Democrats blame Republicans for the mess they inherited, and Republicans blame Democrats for skyrocketing spending this year. Both are right; each is to blame for the financial mess we are in!

Both parties need to stop blaming each other and start solving America's most pressing needs by balancing the budget! Republicans for the past eight years did little to control the growth of government spending, especially when they passed Prescription Drug Bill in 2006 without stating how it was to be funded.

This year Democrats have passed various pieces of legislation that was just has reckless as Republicans. Early in the year a stimulus package that was supposed to jump start the economy only jumped started Democratic power brokers. Health care that is being currently debated has dubious methods of cost savings. The idea of savings coming from Medicare is laughable as whenever has Congress conceived of savings from Medicare! When this passes America will witness the debt level again skyrocketing to monumental levels.

The debt this nation accumulated has reduced the value of the dollar, in the short term it has made our exports cheaper abroad, but continuing this reckless policy will eventually increase interest rates and inflation.

Across the globe the world is nervous about the amount of debt being accumulated by the U.S. and it makes them wonder if America is sound place for investments. China currently holds roughly $800 billion dollars worth of U.S. debt and contributes us making $50 billion dollars in interest to them every year.

The nation’s economic future depends on the U.S. getting its economic house in order. It will be painful, but without it we will face a dire economic future.

Both political parties contributed to the mess and both political parties will have to end the partisanship now displayed in Washington to end it.

The future of America is in their hands!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

President Receives Lukewarm Support on Job Proposal

Since the passage of the stimulus bill the president and his surrogates have been touting its benefits and how it kept us from the brink of financial collapse. If this was so successful then why is the administration and congressional Democrats pushing for a multi-billion dollar job package?

The president received lukewarm support for his job proposal after convening a job summit in Washington last week. The problem is not only that small businesses across America have trouble getting credit is the huge fear of what is next!

No matter what the president proposes, small businesses fear what is on the horizon. No one knows what is in the health care legislation as all the deal making is being done behind closed doors; so much for transparency. Then you have the president threatening Congress to pass environmental legislation or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will begin enact its own version of environmental regulation.

Don’t forget all the manner of regulation emanating from Congress, and how this impacts business no one knows. Fear has gripped business owners and they will not start hiring until they know what the future holds.

If the stimulus had been targeted better instead of going to groups that supported the power broker s in Washington, maybe we would not be in this position. Even today it was reported that $6 million dollars had been awarded to two firms run by Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton’s pollster, all this was to save three jobs.

We should start looking at how the money was spent and who benefited, I can tell you it was not the American people.

It’s time that both political parties start putting America first!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Job Summit a Bust!

No matter what transpires out of the jobless summit, one thing is clear both political parties are clueless in solving Americas most pressing issue; joblessness. Democrats and Republicans both are equally guilty in why we are in this financial mess. Both parties spend all their efforts helping their special interests then what is best for the country.

Republicans are more concerned with protecting corporate power brokers then taking care of the needs of the average Americans. Democrats are shackled to the ankle by labor and environmental groups that advocate catastrophic policies that go against all economic logic.

At the job summit many ideas were proposed, but each proposal does nothing to relieve the burden on small businesses that are the back bone of this country. Tax credits and other simplistic recommendations really do nothing to alleviate the fear that permeates across the business community.

Businesses continually look to the future and all they see are higher taxes, unsure of the cost of current health care reform being debated in congress, how Cap & Trade legislation will affect them, and all the expansive legislation being formulated in Congress. Businesses are not going to begin the expense of hiring if they are unsure of the future.

The administration has to get out of the idea that government spending alone will improve the economic climate in this nation. It didn’t work during the great Depression and it will not work now.

You start helping small businesses and entrepreneurs and you will witness economic growth. President Reagan and President Clinton understood this, but this president just doesn’t seem to understand!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fear Grips American Economy

Whatever statements emanate out of Washington regarding the state of the U.S. economy regarding one should start by asking the American people what they think! Pessimism is the mood that Americans feel about their future economic outlook and the nations. All too often individuals are fearful for what the future will bring. Everyone knows someone who has been laid off, who is unemployed, and who is struggling economically.

Last week the president convened a job summit to address the high rate of unemployment that has gripped the nation. The president stated that it’s the private sector that will be the engine of job growth that brings us out of this recession. The unfortunate reality is that the private sector is reeling from massive government intrusion into the market place.

All too often the private sector hears the drum beat of higher taxes, more regulation and massive government involvement into the market place without any real business expertise in running a business. If you look at the background of members of this administration and those in Washington you well learn that few if any have any experience running a business. This is not endemic to one party but crosses party lines and ideological lines.

Its time Washington start looking at how legislation effects business and not how it effects special interest groups that favor both political parties. I am not favoring unrestrained business, because that in its self is dangerous for the nation. What I am alluding to is government intruding in to the market place; they should have a role, but it should not favor special interest over what’s best for the nation.

The administration campaigned by ending the abuses of the Republican Party, but instead what we got was special interest that favor Democratic power brokers. We just replaced one special interest group for another all at the expense of the American people.

It’s time for Americans to wake up and vote and time for Washington to start looking at what is best for America and not themselves!

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Fiscal Calamity in America

America is facing economic challenges at all levels and this is especially true for the states. Right now various states are in fiscal emergency that will have a great effect on the national economy. The Washington D.C. based Pew Research Center published a report last month reporting that many states are mired in catastrophic budgetary calamities that if not addressed will have them tittering on the brink.

Right now the nation’s focus is on the national economy but everyone had better start looking at economic viability of state financing and how its impact on economic growth. Just look at California as a case in point, a state that is the eight largest economy in the world is in all sense of the word an economic basket case.

California is facing close to twenty five billion dollar budget deficit mainly because of its own shortsightedness. Too often the state played partisan politics by locking themselves in to long term spending utilizing questionable economic data that didn’t reflect the reality of current economic data. California uses “Enron” style budgeting when crafting annual budgets and each year the situation gets worse.

The state of California is mired in its worst economic recession since the great Depression, but what does California do, it makes it harder for businesses in the state to operate. Labor and environmental groups have a strangle hold on state governmental politics that with each legislative session enact legislation that cripples businesses in the state from expanding economic growth.

California is mired as one of the worst state in that nation to operate a business and it only gets worse with each passing year. If the nation is to recover from the recession then the states have to begin to address the fiscal stability of their respective state. America cannot move forward with these states being a drag on the national economy, we may have a recovery for a short time, but long term growth will suffer as a result.

Bloated irresponsible government policy led to the disaster that we are in and only true political leadership will bring us to fiscal solvency!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

President Convenes Job Summit

With the nation facing the worst economic situation in generation and with unemployment at record levels President Obama convened a job summit to get ideas from across America. Leaders from the business community and labor, including small businesses had the opportunity to bring forth ideas that would help stimulate employment. Notably absent were the United States Chamber of Commerce and United States Manufacturing Association, as they had been at odds with the administration over their opposition to his health care reform initiatives.

No matter what transpires from the job summit the government will ultimately have major impact on the economy. The president is right that the private sector is where the greatest impact will be. What I don’t understand is that government makes it harder for the private sector to create these jobs.

Washington can do more by ending crippling regulation, expensive mandates placed on business, the byzantine environmental regulation that hampers job creation and finally the intrusive nature of government into business operations without sound understanding of how businesses operate.

Currently labor has a vice grip on Washington power brokers that place labors interest over sound economic policies. Start looking at every piece of legislation and look at its impact on the business climate in this nation.

The presidents bowing to pressure from labor leaders and his unwillingness to pursue trade agreements with Columbia and Korea have hurt export opportunities. Environmental groups who the president is beholden to have clamped down on any gas and oil drilling that would have great impact on job creation in this country.

Each passing day the fear of uncertainty by businesses of new legislation that will further hamper their ability to expand therefore they will create the endless cycle of layoffs and unemployment.

If the president truly wants economic growth then help business not handcuff them with a straight jacket.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

President Announces Troop Surge to Afghanistan

Last night President Obama announced his much anticipated troop surge into Afghanistan in front of military cadets at the military academy at West Point. Pundits from both sides of the political spectrum will be critiquing his speech looking for flaws in his strategy. In difference to the president he was placed in a precarious situation by the Bush Administration that failed to properly fund or resource the war adequately.

President Obama laid out his strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan that will require substantial American troops to surge into Afghanistan. It will be many months before we will know if this new strategy is achieving the desired results and like the surge into Iraq, causalities will mount in the early stages of this comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy presented by the president.

The one area that the president will have to show resolve in the coming months will he have the staying power once the causalities begin to mount in the early stages of his surge plan. Whatever anyone says about President Bush is once the casualties mounted in the early stages of his Iraq surge, he maintained the strategy outlined by his commanders no matter the outcry of from his critics. Will the president have the same courage to do the same?

President Obama will face many critics of his Afghan strategy especially in the early going and all of this will be in the guise of partisan politics with a single eye to the mid-term elections. The president must stay above the fray and think only in how this affects the nation’s security interests in the region and its impact on U.S. national security.

His biggest challenge is selling this to the base of his party who are extremely skeptical on any troop surge and would rather focus on withdrawing forces from the region and focusing on issues at home. Democrats remember history as a guide when President Truman and President Johnson had conflicts that ended their ability to transform the economy at home.

Time will tell on how this conflict will end, but remember this both political parties better not use this for partisan political gains as the those who implement this strategy will remember this; meaning the armed forces of this nation!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

President Announces Afghan Strategy

After months of debate President Obama will unveil his Afghanistan strategy at the West Point Military Academy. Right now it looks like the president will inform the American people that an additional 35,000 troops will be surged into Afghanistan and employed as part of General Stanley McCrystal’s comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy. Right now as being formulated the president is following into the same predicament as President Bush in the first couple years of Iraq until he unveiled his surge strategy.

Both administrations perused and will peruse a strategy of wanting to win but at the same time advocating withdrawal in the same breath. This approach only emboldens our adversaries and will lead to defeat. Islamic terrorists have articulated that America is a paper tiger and all we have to do is wait them out and they will withdraw like they have in Vietnam, Iran, Lebanon, and Somalia.

The president needs to stop projecting an image of weakness and adopt the rhetoric that President Kennedy stated in inaugural address, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. "

President Obama must articulate tonight an aura of confidence and strength that we will succeed in Afghanistan. If he is timid and unsure then this will strengthen the insurgency and further weaken our resolve and further hamper efforts to have our European allies contribute additional forces.

Embrace the comprehensive approach of his generals on the ground and not second guess seasoned generals who are experts in counterinsurgency warfare. The strategy put forward by General McChrystal was put together by a comprehensive strategy group that had impute from uniform and non uniform personnel across a broad spectrum of experts.

This will be the defining theme of this president, does he have the fortitude too stomach the rough patch ahead or does he crumble in the face of adversity! The future is in his hands!

Monday, November 30, 2009

President Announces Troop Surge To Afghanistan In Address To Nation

President Obama has a difficult time tomorrow night in convincing the nation of his planned troop surge into Afghanistan. During the Campaign last year President Obama spoke of Afghanistan in the most dire situation and how the real conflict was in Afghanistan not Iraq. Throughout the campaign he stated that when he becomes President he would increase troop levels, unfortunately since he has been president his rhetoric has not matched his promises from the campaign.

From the beginning of his administration the only time that the President has spoken to the American people regarding Afghanistan was during his announcement in March of a comprehensive new strategy for Afghanistan, then briefly in August to a veterans group. Other than a few occasions, the president hasn’t spoken to the American people on why we should be involved in Afghanistan.

Often individuals when they find out that I have served in Afghanistan and well read on the situation ask me point blank questions regarding why are we still there? These questions point o a growing lack of clarity from this administration to the American people on our continued presence in Afghanistan.

Tomorrow when the president addresses the nation at the West Point Military Academy, he will be addressing four audiences. The first one is clear convincing the American people on our continued commitment and what it means to the security of this nation. Next he must convince members of his own party who are resisting any troop increase to Afghanistan. He then has to convince our NATO allies of our commitment and staying power as they will be asked to contribute additional forces that will supplement our own. Finally the Afghan people will want to know what are intentions are? Are we going to stay the course or will we abandon them like we have done so many times in the past!

Politics will play an enormous part in this equation, but if the president begins to plays partisan politics with this decision with the eye on the mid-term elections or how it will affect his re-election then it will have disastrous results.

This decision should be based on what is best for the nation’s security and nothing else!

Friday, November 27, 2009

President to Convene Job Summit Next Week

Washington is in panic mode right now with unemployment rising to the highest level in a generation and with the mid-term elections looming over the horizon, Democrats want to see this reversed before Americans head to the polls next November.

Currently Congressional Democrats are crafting a multi-billion dollar job bill and hope to be able to have before the president sometime in January. The question that I would pose to Congressional Democrats, since January you have been touting how the stimulus package saved us from the brink and even Vice President Joseph Biden spoke how the stimulus package created economic growth in the third quarter this year. Now you want to spend billions more, wasn’t the stimulus package supposed to keep unemployment from going higher than 8% as stated by the president?

The problem is both political parties are more concerned with helping their benefactors then helping small businesses grow. Democrats are anchored at the hip to labor and environmental groups and place their interests above sound business practices.

Republicans look to corporate America for support and small businesses get the shoved to the curb. Both parties need to look to small business as the link to economic security. Small Businesses account for close to 80% of all economic activity in this country. President Obama’s much touted economic stimulus bill went mainly to corporations, financial institutions, state governments, and auto companies everyone that created the financial mess in the first place.

You want to create economic growth then help small businesses succeed. The job summit that President Obama will convene next week will be have plenty of representatives from Corporate America, labor and other groups but I bet minimal participation will come from small businesses across America.

Right now there should be a freeze on all legislation out of Washington until it assesses how it impacts small businesses. One only has to look at California and how short sited government intervention created the financial mess California finds itself in.

Washington is heading in the same direction, it can be reversed but government intervention into the market place will have dire consequences for the nation. This President has spent more money in one year than any president in the history of the nation, yet unemployment continues to rise.

Help small business and you help America.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

TV host Leeann Tweeden Served Thanksgiving Dinner to troops Serving in Afghanistan

FHM cover model and TV host Leeann Tweeden served up some Thanksgiving lunch to 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, on Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan.

Thanksgiving Being Served In Iraq

2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division having Thanksgiving at Patrol Base Doria in Kirkuk, Iraq

Thanksgiving in Iraq

Service members stationed in Iraq preparing and eating a Thanksgiving dinner.

Let’s Remember Our Veterans This Thanksgiving

Across America millions of American’s will celebrate the joy of Thanksgiving with family and friends, but others will spend their Thanksgiving far from home and far from family. For those serving in the Armed Forces of this nation on the front lines of freedom in Iraq & Afghanistan they will be protecting the freedom that we cherish enabling us to be with our family.

This Thanksgiving let’s take the time to remember all that we have and the freedom that we enjoy. Take the time to say a prayer for our brave men & women who give up everything so that we may live in freedom. Too often we fail to realize all that we have and all the benefits that this nation has to offer. We seem to only dwell on the negative aspect of America, instead looking at its countless blessings.

Today brings back many memories have countless Holiday spent overseas while serving with the Marines, but one holiday truly stands out was the one I spent Thanksgiving in Afghanistan. That day was like any other day, but the only difference was I knew it was Thanksgiving and my thoughts always went back to reflecting to my family.

My thoughts took me back into time as I reflected on past Thanksgivings and the wonderful holiday meal that was prepared by my mother who had the care of an angel. Her happiness was providing a bountiful meal for my brothers and myself with her joy seeing us devour the delicious meal.

The image would be interrupted by the sounds of conflict and bring me back to reality, but for a fleeting moment I was in another more tranquil place. Today, all military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places across the globe will reflect back to their own Thanksgiving memories.

Let’s remember them and the sacrifice that they and their families give to us so we can be with our families. Today let’s think of them, it’s the least we can do!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Hapens toThese Children When Taliban Return

Afghanistan is country with a long historical past with Americans only beginning to understand the complexity of this nation. Many pundits have articulated the need for the United States to exit Afghanistan as no nation has been successful there and our continued presence will have us suffer the same fate as Britain and Russia.

The problem with all the pundits is that there historical analysis is far of the mark, but the one question that I would like to pose to these experts is what happens to these children when we leave and let the Taliban return?

With my Deployment to Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11, the people and especially the children I encountered all want a better future. They see the United States not as an occupying force, but the one nation that forced the brutal Taliban regime from power. My greatest and lasting memory of my time in Afghanistan was providing school supplies to a girl’s school that is operating for the first time in almost a decade.

The photo attached is two small girls who received from my church in the states their first toy of any kind. The dolls were made by young girl in my church’s youth program as part of a project that sent over thirty five handmade Islamic friendly dolls to young girls in Afghanistan.

All the young girls that I had the chance to speak to all want an education and were thrilled beyond belief when Americans brought schools supplies providing an opportunity to further their education that had been denied by the Taliban.

Children all over Afghanistan want an education, the girl’s school that the U.S. military built was intended for 800, but over 1,000 showed up eager to learn. Contrast that with educational standards in the U.S. with our huge dropout rate and apathy toward education in many quarters. Here you have children eager to learn and learning in the most primitive setting.

What happens to the girls who received these dolls when the Taliban return? What happens to the 40% of Afghan girls receiving an education today? The pundits never speak of them as they are just pawns, but to those who served in Afghanistan I think of all these girls returning to brutality and depravation if the Taliban return!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Decision Next Week on Troop Surge to Afghanistan

The Obama Administration will announce his troop surge strategy to Afghanistan next week. Whatever strategy emerges next week this will be his and no one else; he owns this now! In March, the president made a strategic mistake by announcing a strategy that was not thought out, but really only articulated in broad concepts. There was no detailed thought out strategy put forward by the administration on the change of objectives from the previous administrations efforts in Afghanistan.

In fairness to the Administration the president inherited a war in Afghanistan from the Bush Administration who failed to provide a strategy in Afghanistan, nor did they have any effective civil-military plan, failed to coordinate with our NATO allies and administered ineffectively the international aid. Had the Bush Administration put together a viable coherent strategy for Afghanistan we may not be in this situation today.

With all that said, the President must stop re-visiting the past on what the Bush Administration failed to do in Afghanistan and what he failed to articulate in March by rushing into a strategy that was not fully thought out. His strategy has to have a comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy for Afghanistan at the same time address the deteriorating situation in Pakistan.

The president must use all his powers of persuasion to gain the support of congress and most importantly the American people who have become skeptical of continued operations in Afghanistan. Partisan politics cannot be part of the equation as the stakes are too high for America to fail. Any failure on our part will only embolden Islamic extremism in the region and further destabilize the Central Asian region to our detriment.

When the president addresses the nation next week is other audience will be our NATO allies as they will watching and listening to his remarks. The president will have to convince our European allies to send more forces to Afghanistan and will have to be convinced they we have staying power. America’s track record is very thin in this respect.

The presidents has to come out forceful and decisively on what are the short term and long term strategy of our efforts and not paint them in broad rosy terms. The path ahead will be challenging and at times hard in terms in personal and material, but failure will have catastrophic consequence for the nation and the world.

Whatever strategy the president articulates to the nation next week he has to have the conviction to see it through and not buckle under to political pressure when the going gets tough.

The stakes are too high for us and the world!

The President Will Make a Decision Next Week on Troop Surge to Afghanistan

The Obama Administration will announce his troop surge strategy to Afghanistan next week. Whatever strategy emerges next week will be his and no one else; he owns this now! In March, the president made a strategic mistake by announcing a strategy that was not thought out, but really only broad concepts. There was no detailed strategy put forward by the administration on the change of objectives from the previous administrations efforts in Afghanistan.

In fairness to the Administration he inherited a war in Afghanistan from the Bush Administration who failed to have any strategy for Afghanistan, nor did it have any effective civil-military plan, failed to coordinate with our NATO allies and administered ineffectively the international aid. Had the Bush Administration put together a viable coherent strategy for Afghanistan we may not be in this situation today.

Now the President must stop re-visiting the past on what the Bush Administration failed to do in Afghanistan and what he failed to do in March by rushing into a strategy that was not fully thought out. His strategy has to have a comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy for Afghanistan at the same time address the deteriorating situation in Pakistan.

The president must use all his powers of persuasion to gain the support of congress and most importantly the American people who have become skeptical of continued operations in Afghanistan. Partisan politics cannot be part of the equation as the stakes are too high for America to fail. Any failure on our part will only embolden Islamic extremism in the region and the world and further destabilize the Central Asian region to our detriment.

The presidents has to come out forceful and decisively on what are the short term and long term strategy of our efforts and not paint them in broad rosy terms. The path ahead will be challenging and at times hard in terms in personal and material, but failure will have catastrophic consequence for the nation and the world.

Whatever strategy the president articulates to the nation next week he has to have the conviction to see it through and not buckle under to political pressure when the going gets tough.
The stakes are too high for us and the world!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Joblessness a Threat to Americas National Security

Right now the greatest threat to the nations security is the vast numbers of unemployed Americans, but what is being done about it; nothing! The vast pools of unemployed Americans will reduce the amount of revenue that will enable the country to reduce the size of its national debt. The Obama Administrations only answer to this crisis is massive government spending that has only increased the size of the national debt and raised the number of Americans who are unemployed.

The economic stimulus plan that was ushered in the early days of this administration was supposed to stabilize unemployment at around 8%, but it is now 10.2% and by most economic forecasts will continue to go much higher. The economic stimulus has to be considered a failure went only to maintaining public sector employment with very little of it going to infrastructure improvement.

If you speak to small businesses across the nation that will tell you the same thing that there is a fear of what the future will bring. The administration just doesn’t get it businesses will not be spending any additional revenue to expand the employment in their companies as they know more taxes will be coming from Washington.

This congress and this administration are increasing the economic burden on small businesses who account for about 80% of economic activity in this country. Next month a job summit will be held in Washington, but most likely the only ones in attendance will be representatives from labor and corporations, but small businesses will be left in the cold as they don’t have the political clout that gives special interest money to the power brokers in Washington.

If this administration wants to create economic growth, then it needs to reduce the heavy tax burden on small businesses, over haul the cumbersome regulatory system, elevate the byzantine economic strangulation of suffocating environmental laws, and over haul the litigation system in this nation.

The administration has spent too much effort by bailing out banks and corporate America who placed short term profits over sound economic policy and placed America at the brink. Stop the bail outs, end corporate welfare and focus on small business will then America will be able to recover economically.

The future of America is in the hands of this administration! He can blame anyone he wants, but the mantle is on his shoulder and no one else. Mr. President Lead!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

California Again Facing Fiscal Calamity

Same old story, but again California is facing fiscal calamity! How can the eight largest economy in the world be is such dire straits? The California crisis was caused by an irresponsible state government, with both Democrats and Republicans complicit for the mess that California faces.

During the Dot Com boom and real estate bubble that brought in a flood of revenue to state coffers with Democrats committing the state to unsustainable spending. Republicans were just as egregious by pushing reckless tax cuts that the state could not sustain, coupled with the massive bonds voted by taxpayers the state was unable to keep up current spending when revenues began to fall.

The combination of disastrous financial irresponsibility by both political parties and by taxpayer approved bond measures has the state near financial collapse.

The problem is that state has a chronic budget shortfall with each political party refusing to bend on taxes or spending reduction to solve the current budget nightmare the state finds itself. A combination of both will have to be looked at if the state is to recover.

Currently the state has a chaotic method of financing its budget by relying on a small percentage of wealthy Californians to pay for its fiscal spending. When this small percentage does well the state profits, but when they don’t the state suffers deeply. That is why the state fluctuates between boom or bust budgeting cycle of governing.

The state needs an equitable overhaul of how the state brings in revenue that will aline the state into more reasonable and steady financial revenue stream that removes the state from the boom and bust cycle.

The other and more perverse area that has to be addressed is that the state has to have a better accounting of how it spends its money. Too often state spending has been high jacked by labor, environmental and anti-business groups that place their interests above what is best for the state.

California public spending is rife with corruption, gross misappropriation of spending that borders on criminal that is akin to how Enron operated.

This situation by Sacramento has made California one of the worst states to operate a business and to retire in. The adage is you make your money in California but retire to other states!

The state needs major changes and with the current gubernatorial election less than a year away neither candidate has articulated a coherent plan for overcoming the crisis that California faces.

The state is heading for bankruptcy and the people of the state will suffer as a result and with it will be a drag on the national economy! Washington better look how California is governed, because you are heading the same direction!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

China Lectures U.S. About National Debt

China lectures the United States during President Obama recent trip to the Asia about its continued federal debt. It’s strange that China, a communist nation is growing concerned with capitalist America over huge government spending.

The previous administration was reckless and paid no attention to the mounting debt that the nation accumulated, and during the campaign candidate Obama was right to complain about the ballooning federal expenditures.

Fast forward to President Obama’s Administration and his policies and those of Congressional Democrats are now making President Bush and Congressional Republicans look like fiscal stewards of fiscal responsibility.

Since the Obama Administration assumed the presidency in January federal expenditures have soared to astronomical heights and will continue with the current health care reform legislation now be crafted in the Senate.

China and other nations are highly concerned with massive debt being accumulated and are wary of their investments as they hold billions of U.S. treasury notes. This nation must first begin to get a handle on massive government spending that will have a direct impact on inflation and higher interest rates.

The presidents massive spending in the public sector will do nothing to create or simulate job growth. Only by unleashing the creativity of private sector, investing in infrastructure that produce innovation in manufacturing, technology, research and development areas will the nation produce the revenue stream that will begin to lower the deficit.

Small businesses and entrepreneurs have always been the back bone of this nation, but unless this administration seeks to lessen the burden placed on it by overzealous federal government it will continue the economic spiral of decline. The administration has to stop listening to highhanded labor and environmental groups who only enrich themselves at the expense of the nation.

Remember in President Eisenhower’s Farewell address to the nation he stated,” We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

As a nation we should fear those who will highjack public policy for their own design!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Economy Still Sputters Along

President Obama campaigned last year that he would not be beholden to special interest and that his administration will stand up for the American people. I guess that was all campaign rhetoric! It has recently been reported that Andy Stern, President of the Services Employees International Union (SEIU) a labor union that has provided close to $60 million 2008 political campaign has had over 20 visits to the White House.

When speaking against special interests group is fashionable as long as it’s the other guy’s special interests that you are criticizing. Do other groups who have opinions that our different from the president have the same access?

The stimulus package that the this administration touts as keeping the economy from heading to the brink of financial disaster seems to go to those groups that supported the president, including state and local governments backed by municipal unions that supported Democratic candidates.

At the same time that U.S. stimulus package was being spent on bloated government projects with minimal spending on infrastructure project, China was enacting its own stimulus spending and almost all of it was spent on infrastructure spending: their economy is expanding while ours is contracting.

What are we getting with all this government spending? Nothing but bloated government spending that is bankrupting this country!

Does small business have the same access as labor? This administration came to power with the mantle of “Change We Can Believe In.” The change we got was special interests that favor this president get the support and taxpayer funding at the expense of the American people.

The economy will continue to decline and more Americans will face dire financial situations until this president puts Americans first!

I am not holding my breath!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

U.S. Fiscal Solvency a Threat To National Security

Right now America faces a grave threat to its national security, not from a foreign threat, this one is self inflicted; the inability of the federal government to control spending! Both political parties contributed to the massive federal debt and both parties have done nothing to reign in government spending.

Republicans speak of the reckless nature of President Obama and the Democratic controlled congress accelerated government spending this year, but when Republicans controlled both branches of government adding to federal debt was a minor annoyance.

The fact remains that Washington must begin to reign in government spending or this nation will face serious repercussions. Currently we are witnessing the rise of the cost of gold, and the lowering of the dollar, now in the short term this helps U.S. exports overseas, as it makes are exports cheaper, but this cannot be sustained forever.

Maintaining a large debt makes foreign investors nervous as they at some point will refuse to finance our extravagant spending without our ability to reduce our federal debt. Currently our fate is in the hands of foreign creditors such as China & Japan to name a few, if that continues it compromises our economy at home.

The Obama Administration is perusing a flawed strategy of massive government spending to spur the nation’s economy out its current economic stagnation. A misinterpretation of history by this administration will only continue the stagnation of the nation’s economy and not the growth sought.

The administration needs to focus on getting American business back to concept of long range planning and not short term profit at the expense of sustained economic activity. Right now the heart and soul of American economic growth are languishing in over regulation, high rate of taxation, byzantine economic laws, government policies that place labor over the laws of economics that cripple small businesses and entrepreneurs from expanding economic growth.

Right now what is stifling economic growth is government and bloated corporations that have failed basic laws of business! It seems odd that as I was putting my business together the first thing was putting together a viable and comprehensive business plan; but major corporations don’t have to! This is beyond comprehension!

If the Obama fails to control spending, fails to spur economic growth then the American economy will face economic stagnation and continued economic uncertainty.